Sunday, August 18, 2024

Camp Littlemore

Sunday Sermon

Dear Diary,

This morning began with the soft patter of rain against the window, a gentle reminder that the earth needed a drink after so many days of sunshine. The sky was heavy with dark clouds, and the air was thick with the scent of wet earth and fresh rain. Sister Mary Claire and I grabbed our umbrellas before heading out, knowing that the walk to Church would be a damp one.

As we made our way along the gravel road, the rain fell steadily, a soothing rhythm that seemed to quiet the world around us. Mini trotted alongside us, her little paws splashing through the puddles that had already begun to form. The rain dripped from the edges of our umbrellas, creating tiny ripples in the puddles as we walked. There was something comforting about the rain—how it softened the edges of the landscape and made everything seem a bit closer, a bit cozier.

At Mass, the Gospel reading touched my heart deeply, especially as I listened to it with the sound of rain tapping softly on the roof of the Church. It was a reminder of God’s constant presence, even in the small, quiet moments of our lives.

On the way back, I found myself thinking about our little unincorporated community, now proudly adopting the name Littlemore. It feels right, somehow—this name that ties us all together. I suppose that’s why Tom and Judy chose Camp Littlemore as the name for the farm. It’s a name that carries the spirit of our community, a place where we all belong, no matter how big or small our part may be.

Mini seems to approve of the name too, even in the rain. Her ears perked up when I mentioned it to her, and I can imagine Shaggycoat nodding in agreement as well. The only one who might need convincing is My Brown Hen, who eyed the rain with suspicion this morning. Camp Littlemore might sound a bit too wild for her tastes, but I think she’ll come around in time.

The day ended with the rain tapering off, leaving the world refreshed and renewed. As I settled down in the prayer wagon, I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of peace. The rain had washed away the dust, leaving everything clean and quiet. I closed my eyes and whispered a prayer:

"Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of rain and for the quiet moments it brings. Help me to carry the peace of today into tomorrow. Bless Mini, Shaggycoat, my brown hen, and all those who are part of our Littlemore community. May Camp Littlemore be a place of love, faith, and belonging. Amen."

Goodnight, dear Diary.

With love, Kathy

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