Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Wedding Banquet

August 22, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning's walk to church was especially peaceful. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over the freshly graded gravel road. The grader man had been by after the rainstorm last week, and I noticed how he had filled an eroded gully with red rock from a nearby quarry. It’s amazing how he smoothed everything over with fresh gravel, making the road safe and easy to walk on again. Sister Mary Claire and I walked side by side, our footsteps in sync, and Mini trotted along happily, her little bottom wagging with each step.

Father Leroy's homily today was based on the Gospel according to Matthew 22:1-14, where Jesus tells the parable of the wedding banquet. As we sat in the pew, listening intently, my mind began to wander as I imagined myself at the wedding feast.

In my mind's eye, I could see a grand banquet hall, lit by golden chandeliers, with tables adorned with the finest linens and the most beautiful flowers. I was standing outside, looking through a large, arched window. The scene inside was breathtaking—guests dressed in their finest attire, laughter and joy filling the air as they shared in the celebration. For a moment, I felt a pang of uncertainty, wondering if I was truly ready and worthy to join them.

But then, I saw my reflection in the glass. I was dressed in a simple yet elegant gown, my hair neatly braided, and my face glowing with a sense of peace and readiness. I realized that I was not just an observer; I was invited, and I was ready to walk through those grand doors. The thought filled me with such a deep sense of belonging and joy. I knew that the invitation had been extended to me, and I was worthy to accept it.

As the vision faded, I returned to the present moment in the church, still hearing Father Leroy’s voice reminding us all to be ready, to live our lives in a way that reflects our worthiness to join the feast in Heaven. The homily took on a deeper meaning for me, knowing that I must not only be ready but also confident in the love and grace that make me worthy to attend.

On the walk home, I couldn’t help but share this with Sister Mary Claire. She smiled gently and reminded me that our journey in life is much like the walk we had just taken—sometimes the road needs repair, but with faith and effort, we can make it ready for the next step. As we walked over the freshly graded road, I felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that I was on the right path.

When we arrived home, Mini curled up for a nap, still tired from the walk, while I went to the chicken coop to gather eggs. The hens were clucking softly, and I managed to collect a basket full of big, brown eggs for the Breakfast Club Café in town. I couldn’t help but think of the parable again, realizing that even in these simple tasks, I am called to be a good steward of the gifts I’ve been given.

Delivering the eggs to the Breakfast Club Café was a joy, as always. The customers were already seated, enjoying their morning coffee and conversations, and I felt a warmth in my heart knowing that these eggs would contribute to their happiness. The café is such a cozy place, filled with the scent of fresh bread and the sound of friendly chatter. It's like a little piece of Heaven on Earth, where everyone is welcome, just as the King welcomed all to the banquet in the parable.

As the day winds down and the farm settles into the quiet of evening, I take a moment to offer up a prayer:

Dear Lord, thank You for the blessings of this day—for the smooth road beneath my feet, the guidance of Sister Mary Claire, the joy of Mini’s company, and the simple task of gathering eggs for the Breakfast Club Café. Help me to remain always ready to accept Your invitation and to live my life in a way that is pleasing to You. May I walk faithfully on the path You have laid before me, and may my heart be ever open to Your call. Amen.

With love and grace,


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