Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Lost Sheep

August 13, 2024

Dear Diary,

This morning’s walk to St. Mary’s was quiet and peaceful. The gravel crunched beneath our feet, and the early morning air was cool against my skin. Sister Mary Claire walked beside me, her soft humming blending with the gentle sounds of nature waking up. Mini, as always, trotted along happily, her little bottom wiggling with each step.

At Mass, Father LeRoy shared a story that stuck with me all day. He spoke about a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One day, one of the sheep went astray, wandering away from the flock. Instead of staying with the ninety-nine that were safe, the shepherd left them in the hills and went searching for the one that was lost. He didn’t rest until he found it, and when he did, he rejoiced more over finding that one stray sheep than over the ninety-nine that had never wandered off. Father LeRoy reminded us that this is how our heavenly Father feels about each one of us. He doesn’t want even a single one of us to be lost, and He will always come looking for us, no matter how far we may stray.

As we walked back home, I thought about that lost sheep. It’s comforting to know that even if I ever feel lost or far from God, He will always come searching for me, rejoicing when I’m found and back in His care.

The day is ending now, and the sky is a soft mix of blues and pinks. Mini is curled up beside me, and there’s a quiet peace in the air. I’m grateful to know that I am never truly lost, that God’s love will always find me, no matter where I am.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for being my shepherd, for never giving up on me, even when I wander. Please watch over those I love tonight and help us all to remember that we are never lost to You. Keep us safe in Your care.


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