Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Price of Eggs

August 26, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was another beautiful day, full of little moments that made me smile. This morning at St. Mary’s, I helped hand out the Gospel readings again, and Mini was right by my side, greeting all the parishioners with her happy little wags. Everyone seemed to enjoy the Gospel passage, though it was a bit strong in its message. Father LeRoy gave a simple homily today. He focused on just one part of the reading, where Jesus talks about the importance of truly guiding people toward God and not getting caught up in unimportant things. Father reminded us that what matters most is helping others understand God's love, and that’s something we all can do, even in small ways.

After Mass, I took care of the chickens. I put fresh straw in the nests, and my brown hen seemed especially pleased. The eggs are getting bigger now, which is wonderful, but it also means I might need to raise the price a little. I hope The Four Cousins Breakfast Club (now a partnership between Sasha, Max, Hayden and Caleb) won't mind a penny or two more. It’s just that the price of oats has gone up too, so I need to make sure everything balances out.

This evening, Sister Mary Claire and I spent some peaceful time in the prayer wagon with Mini. There’s something so calming about the three of us being together in that quiet space. Mini always seems so content, and her happiness makes my heart feel light.

Dear Jesus, thank You for all the blessings of this day. Thank You for the chance to help out at church and for the warmth of Mini’s love. Please watch over the chickens and bless the work of my hands, especially as I make decisions about the eggs. Help me to always act with kindness and fairness. Keep Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and me safe through the night. May Your peace fill our hearts as we rest, and may we wake tomorrow ready to serve You again.


With love, Kathy

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

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