Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Why Are We Here - St. John Vianney

June 10th, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I took a lovely walk to church. The air was cool and refreshing, and everything looked so fresh and vibrant. The trees were lush and green, and the flowers along the gravel road seemed to be smiling at us. We talked about the beauty of God's creation and how grateful we are to experience it.

Father LeRoy's homily today was particularly moving. He spoke about John Vianney and reminded us that many Christians don't even know why they are in the world. As he said, "Oh my God, why hast thou sent me into the world?" "To save your soul." "And why dost thou wish me to be saved?" "Because I love you." He emphasized that the good God has created us and sent us into the world because He loves us. He wishes to save us because He loves us. To be saved, we must know, love, and serve God.

Father LeRoy said, "Oh, what a beautiful life! How good, how great a thing it is to know, to love, and serve God! We have nothing else to do in this world. All that we do besides is lost time. We must act only for God and put our works into His hands. . . We should say on awakening, "I desire to do everything today for thee, oh my God! I will submit all that thou shalt send me, as coming from Thee. I offer myself as a sacrifice to Thee. But oh God, I can do nothing without Thee. Do thou help me.'"

After Mass, we returned to the farm and spent the afternoon doing chores. We played with Mini and checked on the brown hen, who continues to lay one egg every day. We cleaned the coop and gathered fresh vegetables from the garden. It feels good to work with our hands and take care of the creatures God has entrusted to us.

As the day comes to a close, I offer this evening prayer:

"Dear Lord, thank You for the blessings of this day. Thank You for the beauty of nature and the joy of serving You. Guide us through the night and keep us safe. Help us to wake tomorrow with hearts ready to serve You again. Amen."

Good night dear Diary.

Love, Kathy

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Stepping into Trust

March 8, 1956 Dear Diary, This evening, as I turned the pages of my big picture book, my eyes rested on an old oil painting, its colors soft...