Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Letter

July 5, 1955,

Dear Diary,

As I write today's entry, the first part of the day has completely escaped me, and it seems that my day truly began as I stood before John Hathaway's desk. The air in the room felt thick with mystery, my hand hovering over an old book I missed the day before. I hesitated and then gently picked it up, feeling the weight of time in my hands. As I opened it, a yellowed letter slipped out, the ink slightly faded but the words still legible. My heart raced as I unfolded the letter and began to read.

My Dearest Friend,

In this remote corner of the Iowa prairie, I find solace in the stillness and the gentle whispers of the wind. Though we are separated by a century, a vast expanse of time and the circumstances of our lives, I am compelled to write to you, my spiritual companion across the ages.

Don’t ever believe, my dear friend, that great distances or even time can separate those whom God has united by the bonds of His love. The children of this world may find themselves separated by miles and years, but the children of God, whose hearts are where their treasure is, and who share the same treasure—the love of the same God—are always bound and united together in spirit.

Though you are yet to be born, I feel a deep connection to you through our shared faith and the promises we have made to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. I will continue my journey west, trusting in His guidance and the promise of a future where we may one day meet—not in this world, but in the eternal joy of Heaven.

O Lord, I pray for my dear friend, that she may always feel Your presence and find comfort in Your love. Guide her, protect her, and bring us all together in the glory of Your heavenly kingdom. Amen.

With the love of Christ,

John Hathaway

P.S. Give Shaggycoat my love!

Reading the letter, I was taken aback and utterly mystified. The words felt as though they were addressed directly to me. How could this be? John Hathaway lived in this cave over a century ago, yet his words resonated deeply within my heart. And the mention of Shaggycoat—how could he possibly know about my beloved beaver?

Could this be possible? My mind raced with questions, yet my heart felt a strange sense of calm. The bond of faith transcends time and space, as John wrote. Perhaps, in ways beyond our understanding, we are all connected. I will treasure this letter, and its mystery, as I continue to ponder its meaning.

Dear Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,

Thank You for guiding me to this extraordinary discovery today. Please let John Hathaway know his letter has reached me. Help me understand its meaning and grow in faith through this experience.


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