Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sprinkle Her With Holy Water

Dear Diary,

Today was a day of warmth and wonder, filled with moments that transported me to places of deep spiritual significance. After breakfast, I found myself flipping through my old postcard collection, a beloved hobby that always brings a sense of peace. I paused at a particularly beautiful card depicting the grotto at Lourdes, its serene beauty almost tangible.

As I gazed at the image, Sister Mary Claire happened upon me. Noticing my interest, she gently inquired if I would like to hear a story. Of course, I eagerly agreed. Sister Mary Claire’s stories have a way of bringing even the most distant places and times to life.

She instructed me to continue looking at the postcard and imagine kneeling right in front of the grotto, feeling the cool stone underfoot and the sacred air of Lourdes surrounding me. Then she began her tale.

"The sun rose brightly on a Sunday morning, and the weather was splendid. In the valleys of the Pyrenees, days warm and mild, like those of spring, often stray into the lap of winter. Returning from Mass, young Bernadette begged her sister Marie, Jeanne, and some other girls to ask her mother to allow them to revisit the Rocks of Massabielle. Despite initial reluctance, their mother finally consented after much pleading.

The girls, armed with a bottle of holy water, went to the grotto. Kneeling down, they began to pray the Rosary. Suddenly, Bernadette’s face transformed with an extraordinary light. She alone saw a marvelous apparition of the Virgin Mary. The other girls, seeing only the rocky niche, handed Bernadette the holy water. She sprinkled it, saying, ‘If you come on the part of God, approach; if you come from the Devil, depart.’

The Virgin, her countenance glowing with celestial goodness, bowed and advanced. Bernadette, overwhelmed by her beauty and goodness, could not bring herself to utter the latter part of the command. Instead, she continued to pray, and the Virgin seemed to join her. After the prayer, the apparition vanished."

Sister Mary Claire’s voice wove the story into my imagination so vividly that I could almost see the grotto and feel the divine presence. As evening falls, I am left with a sense of profound peace and a deeper connection to the story of Bernadette and the miraculous events at Lourdes.

Afterward, I spent some time with Mini and Omelette. Omelette has been quite the charming addition to our little family, and she even seems to listen when I talk to her about the day’s events.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for the blessings of this day, for the stories that draw us closer to You, and for the gentle presence of Sister Mary Claire who shares Your grace so generously. As I close my eyes tonight, I ask for Your peace to fill my heart and home. Guide me with Your light, just as the grotto at Lourdes shines with Your love.

Bless Sister Mary Claire, who enriches my life with her stories, and watch over Mini, Omelette, and all those I hold dear. Keep us safe and under Your care.

May Your angels guard our dreams and Your mercy renew our spirits for the day ahead. Amen.

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