Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 31, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I went to Mass a half hour early. She brought along her meditation book to help us reflect on the year past and prepare for the new one. It felt like the perfect way to end the year, surrounded by others who also came early to start and end the day in prayer.

Before Mass began, Sister Mary Claire had me read the meditation with her. She explained that we should take time to thank God for all the blessings of the past year, even the trials and challenges. Those, she said, are the crosses that help make us stronger and bring us closer to Him. She also encouraged me to look at the ways I might have fallen short, not to feel sad, but so I can work harder in the coming year.

On the way home, she spoke about how we don’t know how many days God has given us, so we must live each one as if it were our last—always striving for holiness. She said the most important thing we can do is to love Jesus and work for Him with all our hearts. That sounded so beautiful to me, and I prayed silently that I could do that better this coming year.

In the afternoon, I went down to John Hathaway's Cave to make sure everything was secure for the winter. I built a little fire in the fireplace to warm the space, and then I spent some time at the grotto, praying and thanking Our Lady for her protection. As I knelt there, who should come by but my good friend, Shaggycoat! He stayed close by, as if to say, “Everything is just as it should be.”

This evening, back at the house, Sister Mary Claire and I had a nice fire going in the hearth. We said our evening prayers together, and Mini curled up near the fire. I couldn’t help but feel so grateful for her and Sister Mary Claire, for our little home, and for the gift of faith.

As I write this, the year 1955 is nearly over. I feel like it ended in the best way possible—with peace, prayer, and love. I pray 1956 will bring us closer to Jesus and that we’ll keep striving every day to grow in His grace.

Good night, dear Diary, and goodbye, 1955.

With love,


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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around us as the gravel crunch...