Monday, December 9, 2024

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

December 9, 1955

Dear Diary,

This evening, Sister Mary Claire explained the meaning of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception during our prayers by the fireplace. She told me it celebrates how the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved from original sin from the very first moment of her existence. God, through the merits of Jesus Christ, kept her spotless and full of grace so she could one day be the mother of our Savior.

Sister said, “Mary alone could say, ‘I am clean and without sin; I am unspotted, and there is no iniquity in me.’” She explained that Mary was saved in a unique way—by prevention, not cure. Unlike us, who are healed from sin, Mary was preserved from it entirely, so she was full of supernatural grace from the start.

Mini lay quietly at my feet while Sister spoke, her little ears flicking as if she understood the beauty of what we were learning.

Before bed, we prayed together:

“Dear Blessed Mother, conceived without sin, pray for us and protect us from all evil. Help us stay close to your Son, Jesus. Amen.”

Mini gave a soft wag of her little bottom, almost like her own “Amen.”

Good night, dear diary. I feel so safe knowing Mary is always watching over us.

With love,

Read all About the Immaculate Conception from Sister Mary Claire's Book.  

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