Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Humility of St. John and a Simple Third Sunday of Advent

December 15, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning dawned crisp and cold—32 degrees at the farm. Sister Mary Claire and I bundled into our warmest clothes, and of course, Mini trotted alongside us, her little bottom wagging the whole way as we walked the gravel road to St. Mary’s. We handed out the Gospel readings to the parishioners before Mass, and Mini, ever the little greeter, brought smiles to everyone.

Back home, we thawed out by the fire while Sister made meatloaf sandwiches for lunch. We had leftover Ann Landers meatloaf, and she layered thick slices onto ever-soft Wonder Bread with just a bit of mustard, mayonnaise, and crisp lettuce. It was simple, but so comforting with warm tea. Mini curled up under the table, content as could be.

After lunch, I reflected on the meditation for today—the profound humility of St. John the Baptist. When asked who he was, St. John replied humbly, “I am not the Christ… I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness.” Though he was holy and chosen by God, he pointed everyone to Christ, “the One whose shoes I am not worthy to loose.”

His humility made me think about how often we fail to see ourselves as we truly are before God. St. John’s example challenges me to ask: “Who art thou?”—not with pride, but with the desire to grow in grace and self-knowledge. As the meditation says, “What progress might I not have made, had I corresponded generously to the graces imparted to me so abundantly!”

At day’s end, I ask for that grace: “O Divine Saviour, give me grace to know myself, that I may correct my faults, and make Thee better known to me, that I may love Thee more and more.”

Goodnight, dear Diary.

O Mary of Grace and Mother of God, may I tread in the paths that the righteous have trod. Amen.

—Kathy Jesus, 

Jesus - The Model of Religious, Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Volume One, 1925.
St. Teresa's Cook Book (St. Teresa's Altar Society) - Beresford, South Dakota. 

Sunday Sermon
Click on Vreni's Radio Below :))

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