Thursday, December 12, 2024


December 12, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, as the frost painted delicate patterns on the window, Mini and I sat quietly watching the cold world outside. My thoughts turned to the angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary. When he greeted her with the words, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,” Mary was troubled—not by his appearance or the splendor surrounding him, but by the incredible words he spoke. Gabriel was praising her as someone set apart, chosen by God, and full of His grace.

Mary’s humility shone brightly in that moment. She didn’t think herself worthy of such praise or the special mission God had for her. It’s such an example for us—how she sought no honor or recognition, only to do God’s will. Gabriel’s greeting reminds me to ask how I receive praise or blessings in my own life. Do I, like Mary, keep my heart open to God’s grace and remain humble?

Dear God,
Thank You for the example of Mary’s humility and grace. Please help me to follow her example, keeping my heart open to You and always striving to do Your will. Bless Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and all those who feel far from Your love tonight. Help them find peace and grace in You.


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