Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Canticle of the Angels

December 29, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I read the meditation for today, The Canticle of the Angels, before heading to church. It was about the angel appearing to the shepherds, sharing the joyful news of Christ’s birth, and proclaiming, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.”

On our walk to church, Sister explained how the angels teach us to glorify God in everything we do and to seek His peace in our hearts. She said the shepherds must have felt overwhelmed at first, but then their hearts were filled with wonder and joy. Sister reminded me that even the small, loving things we do—like caring for the animals or being kind to others—can glorify God and bring His peace to our lives.

Sister and I are ready for bed and are going to listen to The Sunday Sermon and say our evening prayer.

“Dear Lord, thank You for the angels who remind us to glorify You and share Your peace. Bless Mini, our loyal friend, Shaggycoat the beaver, and Omelette the brown hen and all her companions in the chicken coop. Bless Sister Mary Claire, who fills our home with Your love. Help us to live in a way that glorifies You every day. Amen.”

Mini is tucked under the bed now, and I think Shaggycoat would enjoy the warmth of the fire too.

Goodnight, dear Diary.

With love,

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