Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Drop Down Dew, Ye Heavens!

December 5, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Sister Mary Claire shared a beautiful Advent meditation from her special book for nuns called Jesus the Model of Religious. It helps prepare the heart for Jesus during this holy season. The reading talked about the deep longing for the Savior that people had before He came, and how we, too, should cry out for His grace to fill our lives. Here is the First Point from the reading:

 "Drop Down Dew, Ye Heavens!"

The holy people of the Old Testament longed deeply for the coming of the Messiah. The Church carries on their longing in her Advent prayers, and we are invited to feel the same longing during this sacred time.

The prophet Isaiah saw the suffering and misery caused by sin and cried out, “Drop down dew, ye heavens!” He looked to God for help because only heaven could save a world trapped in sin. The dew represents the grace of the Holy Spirit. Just as dew nourishes the earth, God's grace nourishes our souls and brings new life and hope.

Let us also call out to God for His grace: “Drop down dew, ye heavens! Drop down the Just One!” Like dew brings life to plants, God’s grace brings spiritual life and salvation to us. May we open our hearts to holy desires and let them grow so that we are ready to receive Jesus, the Son of God. If our hearts are small and cold, we cannot welcome Him fully.

Let us turn away from desires that don’t lead us to God. Recognizing how much we need Him, we can prepare our hearts for His extraordinary grace and be drawn closer to Jesus. 

Jesus, The Model of Religious 1925.  

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