Thursday, December 26, 2024

The Strength of St. Stephen

December 26th, 1955

Dear Diary,

Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church this morning, our breaths clouding the crisp winter air, while Mini trotted ahead of us, her little legs working double time. She was in such fine humor, sniffing at everything and wagging her bottom in delight at the sights and smells of the day.

Before Mass, we read the meditation on St. Stephen, and Sister Mary Claire explained it to me so beautifully that my heart feels full even now. She said that the Holy Ghost dwelt in St. Stephen's heart because it was pure and spotless. The grace that filled him gave him courage—courage to face even the greatest dangers, knowing that Christ stood ready to welcome him into eternal bliss.

Sister Mary Claire said that the strength of St. Stephen wasn't just his own but a gift of the Holy Spirit, who filled him with burning love and faith. His eyes and heart were always turned toward heaven, which is why he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at His right hand. I tried to imagine what it must have been like to look into heaven as St. Stephen did. Sister Mary Claire said it must have been like a foretaste of heaven itself—pure joy and peace.

She reminded me that we, too, must make our hearts a pure and pleasing place for the Holy Ghost to dwell. She said that by doing so, we can have the same kind of strength that St. Stephen had, even when things are difficult. I hope I can remember this when I feel afraid or unsure.

This evening, we lit the fire and sat quietly together, Mini curled up at my feet. As the flames danced, I said a little prayer, thinking of St. Stephen and the strength he must have had.

Dear Lord,
Thank You for the example of St. Stephen, who trusted You so completely and let the Holy Spirit fill his heart with strength and love. Please help me to follow his example by keeping my heart pure and my thoughts turned toward You.

St. Stephen, brave and holy martyr, I ask you to pray for me. Teach me to have the courage you had and to look always toward heaven when I feel weak or afraid. If it's not too much to ask, could you help Mini stay her happy little self? She's so much like a bright light for me.


Good night, dear Diary. I hope I can grow to have just a little of St. Stephen's strength tomorrow.


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