Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Angelus


Wednesday, December 11, 1955

Dear Diary,

After finishing the morning chores, I settled down with Sister Mary Clare’s book about the Blessed Mother. It’s such a beautiful book, and today I read an affection that stayed with me. It spoke of Mary as “full of grace” and how God endowed her with such immense glory that even the Archangel Gabriel couldn’t describe it. I decided that during this holy season of Advent, I will pray the  with special devotion The Angelus every day as a way to honor her and grow closer to Jesus.

Here is my prayer tonight:

"Blessed Mother, full of grace, I thank you for being my mother too. Please help me to grow in love and faith this Advent season. Teach me to trust in God and to walk in His ways. Watch over Mini, Sister Mary Clare, and our little home. Amen."

Mini ended the evening playing with her squeaky ball by the fire, making us laugh as she pounced on it like it was alive. She’s finally curled up at my feet, her little snores filling the quiet room. Good night, dear Diary.

With love,

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around us as the gravel crunch...