Thursday, October 31, 2024

Under His Wings

October 31, 1955

Diary Entry:

This morning at Mass, Father LeRoy read from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 13, verses 31 to 35. In the reading, Jesus speaks of His deep love for Jerusalem, longing to gather its people together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, even though they had often rejected Him. Father said this showed how patient and tender Jesus is, always wanting to bring us close, even when we stray or turn away. He talked about how much love and protection is in those words—a mother bird covering her little ones with her wings, just as Jesus longs to cover and protect each of us.

It felt like Father was speaking directly to my heart. I could feel that same warmth when I got home and found Vreni's package waiting for me with antique holy cards. One card showed a group of birds perched peacefully on branches, surrounded by soft flowers, while the cold world lay quietly in the background. The words on the card read: "Der Herr Zebaoth wird Jerusalem beschirmen, wie die Vögel thun mit Flügeln"— “The Lord of Hosts will protect Jerusalem, like birds do with their wings” (Isaiah 31:5). It was as if Vreni somehow knew what I needed—a reminder that God’s love surrounds me, just as the Gospel and Father’s homily reminded us of Jesus’s desire to gather us under His protective wings.

As the day faded and the chill settled in even more, Sister kept the fire going to keep us all snug. I spent time with Mini, who nuzzled up to me after playing outside, her little body warm and comforting. My thoughts drifted to Vreni, feeling grateful for our friendship that reaches across the miles, like those birds sheltering each other in the cold. I said a little prayer for Sister, Mini, my brown hen, Shaggycoat the beaver, and Vreni, asking God to keep them all safe under His wings.

Evening Prayer:

"Dear Lord, thank You for this day and for reminding me of Your protection and love. Watch over Sister, Mini, Vreni, and all the animals You’ve blessed me with. Keep us safe and warm under Your sheltering wings. Amen."

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