Monday, October 7, 2024


October 7, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Sister Mary Claire led a class on happiness, which she titled "The Samaritan’s Gift of Happiness" after reading aloud from the Gospel of Luke 10:25-37. She said that true happiness often lies in the small, unexpected acts of kindness, just like the Samaritan who chose compassion over convenience. The story of the Good Samaritan echoed throughout the lesson, reminding us that happiness blooms in the heart when we love our neighbor.

She also shared a quote from Frederick William Faber: "There are souls in the world who have the gift of finding joy everywhere and leaving it behind them when they go." Sister explained that those who, like the Samaritan, are able to spread joy through their actions, create ripples of happiness that touch others deeply. The simplicity of caring for someone, no matter who they are, is where joy often hides. Sister Mary Claire said that happiness is not just about receiving, but giving with a heart that asks for nothing in return.

Mini and I stayed behind at the apartment, enjoying a quieter day. We took a long walk around the neighborhood. Mini was her usual energetic self, exploring everything, and I couldn’t help but smile at her delight in the world. There’s a particular peace in these simple moments, where life feels a little slower, the breeze a little gentler, and the company just right.

Tonight, as I reflect on the day, my heart feels full. I’ll end with an evening prayer in the form of a poem:

"Dear Lord, may my hands be gentle,
To lift the weary soul,
May my heart be ever mindful,
That compassion makes us whole.
Let my love, like silent waters,
Flow to all who need its grace,
And may my steps be ever guided,
In the light of your embrace."

With love and peace,

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