Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Morning

October 14, 1955

Dear Diary,

Another chilly start to the day! I had to bundle up again just to let Mini out into the backyard. She seemed to enjoy the fresh air, but I felt the crispness all the way through my wool sweater. Sister Mary Claire had already left by the time I woke up, taking the 5 AM train to the Monastery for her teaching assignment. She says it takes an hour and fifteen minutes to get there, and the trains are so punctual that everything here feels like it runs down to the minute. I don’t mean to be so "scheduley," but the trams and trains here in Zurich make you keep track of time so precisely!

Today's Gospel reading was from Luke 11:29-32, where Jesus told the crowd that this generation seeks a sign, but no sign will be given except the sign of Jonah. Sister explained it to me in a story-like way when she came home this evening. She said Jonah was a prophet sent to warn the people of Nineveh to repent, and they listened to him. Jesus was saying that He is greater than Jonah, and just as the Ninevites repented at Jonah’s preaching, we should be willing to change our ways because of the presence of Jesus in our lives. Sister also reminded me that the wisdom of Solomon, although great, is far less than the wisdom of Christ.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Jesus, thank You for today’s blessings. I’m grateful for the warmth of my home, Mini’s company, and the words of the Gospel that remind me of Your love and wisdom. I pray for Sister Mary Claire and her work at the Monastery. Please guide her and protect her in her travels. Keep me close to You, and help me, like the Ninevites, to always listen to Your call. Amen.

Goodnight dear diary,

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More Muesli Please

  October 15, 1955   Dear Diary, This morning started off with the usual quiet, as Sister Mary Claire had already left for the monastery. Bu...