Monday, October 14, 2024

More Muesli Please

October 15, 1955
Dear Diary,

This morning started off with the usual quiet, as Sister Mary Claire had already left for the monastery. But she never forgets about me, leaving a delicious bowl of muesli with monastery honey and whole milk to start my day. It was such a lovely way to begin, especially knowing it was made with care.

During her visit, Sister managed to get the muesli recipe from the monastery's chef, knowing how much I adored it. I carefully wrote it down after this entry—it feels like a little piece of the monastery I can take home with me. I’m sure it will become a favorite back in Des Moines.

Mini and I went out for a morning walk through the neighborhood, and I was still glowing from my conversation with the Swiss girl I met yesterday. She had told me that I could bring Mini to Mass, and I still feel so excited about that. I imagine how proud Mini will look trotting beside me into church.

Today’s Gospel reading was from Luke 11:37-41. Later in the day, I asked Sister Mary Claire about it, and she explained it in such a gentle way. She said the Pharisee was concerned with outward appearances—like the washing of hands or dishes—without understanding that what matters most to God is the heart. It’s not just about looking clean and pure on the outside, but being good, generous, and kind on the inside. Sister smiled and said, “The Lord wants us to focus on what’s within and give freely to others, because when our hearts are pure, we become clean from the inside out.”

Her words stayed with me the rest of the day. I reflected on how easy it is to worry about small, unimportant things, when really, what matters most is our love and kindness toward others.

As the day draws to a close, I find myself looking forward to tomorrow, but also feeling that bittersweet twinge, knowing our time here is coming to an end. Des Moines feels both so far away and so close.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Lord, thank You for today’s moments of peace, for the lessons in the Gospel, and for Sister Mary Claire’s gentle guidance. Help me to always be kind and generous, to keep my heart clean for You. Amen.


Muesli Recipe (from the Monastery)

1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup whole milk (or cream for extra richness)
2 tablespoons monastery honey (or any local honey)
1/4 cup dried fruit (such as raisins, apricots, or figs)
1/4 cup fresh fruit (such as grated apple or berries)
1/4 cup chopped nuts (almonds, walnuts, or hazelnuts)
1 tablespoon seeds (optional - sunflower seeds or chia seeds)
A pinch of cinnamon (for a little extra warmth)


The night before, mix the oats with milk and honey in a bowl. Let it sit in the fridge overnight to soften.
In the morning, stir in the dried fruit, fresh fruit, nuts, and seeds. Sprinkle with a pinch of cinnamon if desired.
Enjoy the muesli with a bit more milk or cream if you like it creamier.

This recipe feels like a piece of the monastery here with me. It reminds me of the quiet, peaceful mornings and the care Sister Mary Claire always shows. I can’t wait to make it again once we’re back in Des Moines!

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More Muesli Please

  October 15, 1955   Dear Diary, This morning started off with the usual quiet, as Sister Mary Claire had already left for the monastery. Bu...