Saturday, October 19, 2024

Vreni's Prayer Book

Diary Entry,

This morning, I woke up feeling more rested than I have since coming back from Zurich. Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and I bundled up and walked to St. Mary's. The air was crisp, and the blustery wind sent leaves swirling around us. It looks like most of the corn has already been picked, leaving behind those neat rows of stubble in the fields. The walk was brisk but refreshing, and I felt thankful that the jet lag was finally wearing off.

When we arrived at church, it was such a warm feeling to see everyone again. The familiar faces of our little parish greeted us with smiles and kind words. Even Father LeRoy made a point to welcome us back before Mass. It felt like slipping into a cozy blanket, the way everyone made us feel right at home after our long trip away.

Father's homily today was based on the Gospel reading from Mark 10:35-45. As he read the words, I couldn’t help but think that Vreni, all the way over in Zurich, would be hearing the same Gospel today. It made me feel so connected to her, like we were sitting together, even though we are thousands of miles apart.

Father LeRoy spoke with such tenderness today. He explained how the disciples, James and John, came to Jesus with their request to sit beside Him in His glory. I was struck by how Jesus didn’t scold them for asking but instead used the moment to teach them, and all of us, a deeper lesson. Father said that it’s so easy for us to want honor, recognition, and comfort in this life, but Jesus turns our human desires upside down. The true path to greatness isn’t in power or prestige, but in service to others, just as Jesus served.

His words hit me especially hard today, having just returned from Zurich and thinking of how much Sister Mary Claire serves everyone around her with so much love. Father LeRoy reminded us that, just like Jesus, we’re called to give of ourselves for others, even when it’s hard. He shared how the "cup" Jesus speaks of in the Gospel is one of sacrifice and that to follow Him means embracing that life of service, however humble it may seem. It’s not for glory in this world, but for something far greater.

I felt a small pang in my heart as I thought about Vreni hearing this same message in far-away Zurich, perhaps sitting in the same pew where we once shared quiet prayers together. I wonder if she felt the same stirring in her soul as I did today. We are both learning, in our own ways, what it means to truly serve.

As Father spoke, the wind howled against the church windows, and I was reminded how quickly time is passing. The seasons are changing, and before long, we’ll be deep into the winter months. But today, walking back home with Sister Mary Claire and Mini by my side, I felt so blessed to be surrounded by love and a community that welcomes us back so warmly. I’ll have to write to Vreni soon and tell her all about today.

After a quiet evening of reflection, Sister Mary Claire surprised me with a little Swiss radio, a gift she must have been saving for just the right moment. I couldn’t have imagined a more perfect time to receive it. We curled up together and listened to Bishop Barron’s Sunday homily. His voice, so calm and comforting, filled the prayer wagon as we drifted off to sleep. It was the perfect way to end this beautiful, blustery day.



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