Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Happiness - Part 2

October 8, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today began beautifully with the Gospel reading about Martha and Mary from Luke. Sister Mary Claire read it to me before heading out to teach her class. In the passage, Martha is anxious with all the tasks, while Mary sits at Jesus’ feet, choosing the better part—His presence. Jesus tells Martha, "You are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." This story always reminds me of how easy it is to get caught up in daily tasks and worries, but what matters most is being present with Jesus, just as Mary was.

Before she left for her class, Sister Mary Claire shared her lesson plan with me. She’s teaching the young sisters in training today about happiness again. She said her focus would be on how true happiness comes from a heart aligned with God’s will, not from material things or busy work. She loves quoting Fr. Frederick William Faber, especially this line from All for Jesus: "There is no happiness but in the will of God." She wants the young sisters to understand that no matter how full their days are with tasks, they should always find time to sit at the feet of Jesus, like Mary did in the Gospel.

Sister Mary Claire came home early today, and we decided to take Mini for another long walk to the lake. It’s become a favorite routine for us. Mini had so much fun, darting here and there with all the new smells and sights. On the way back, we passed by a giant oak tree, and I couldn’t resist picking up some acorns. I’m hoping to take them back home and plant them at Tom’s cabin at Lake Okoboji. I think it would be lovely to have something grow there that reminds me of this time.

As the day winds down, I’ve been reflecting on Sister’s lesson. I can sometimes be a “Martha” myself, getting caught up in all the little details and forgetting the importance of simply being with Jesus. Today’s Gospel, and Sister’s lesson, reminded me once again to choose the better part.

Here is a little prayer I wrote to end my day:

A Prayer for Peaceful Presence

O Lord, my guide, my source of peace,
Help my worries and tasks to cease.
Like Mary, may I sit and stay,
At Your feet, each and every day.

In Your presence, may I find,
A heart that’s still, a peaceful mind.
The world may pull, with duties call,
But in Your love, I find it all. Amen.

Goodnight, dear Diary.

With love,

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More Muesli Please

  October 15, 1955   Dear Diary, This morning started off with the usual quiet, as Sister Mary Claire had already left for the monastery. Bu...