Friday, November 1, 2024

All Saints Day & Airmail to a Friend

November 1, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was All Saints’ Day, and Father LeRoy gave such a beautiful homily on the Gospel reading from Matthew 5:1-12a. This reading is known as the Beatitudes, where Jesus went up on the mountain, sat down, and taught His disciples the blessings for those who walk in His way. Father LeRoy told us a story to bring the Beatitudes to life. He spoke of a humble farmer he knew back in his younger days, a man who had very little money but was rich in kindness and faith. This farmer always shared his harvest, even if it meant having less for himself. People often wondered why he gave so freely when he had so little, but he would simply say, “The Lord fills my cup, and it runs over.” Father said this man was the perfect example of being “poor in spirit” and “pure in heart”—always thinking of others before himself. Father LeRoy’s story reminded me of how good it feels to live with a giving heart, even in the smallest ways.

After Mass, I decided to make an extra copy of this diary entry to send to Vreni. I’ll include today’s Gospel reading with it, just like the ones I prepare for Father LeRoy every day. I know she would appreciate seeing what I do firsthand, even from so far away. I miss her, but it makes me happy to share a little bit of my life with her in these letters.

Mini and I went out for a few short walks today, but the cold wind nipped at our noses and sent us hurrying back inside each time. I could tell Mini wanted to stay out longer, but she quickly understood and was happy to curl up beside me by the fire.

Tonight, before bed, I say this prayer:

“Dear Lord, may my heart be open to those who need a kind word, a gentle hand, or a listening ear. Help me walk in Your way, with a spirit of joy and peace. Bless Vreni and all my loved ones, near and far. Amen.”

Tomorrow, I have another little story to share—something I found tucked among Sister Mary Claire’s books. But I’ll save that for then.

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

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