Saturday, November 2, 2024

November 2, 1955

Dear Diary,

Since most of what I wanted to say is already written in my letter to Vreni, I'll keep it short tonight. I mostly wanted to remember the story from Father LeRoy’s homily. Today, he shared a reading from the holy Gospel according to John, chapter 6, verses 37-40. He told us how Jesus said, "Everyone whom the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away.” Father LeRoy explained how this means that Jesus welcomes us all, no matter how lost we might feel. Even when we falter, He promises us that we’ll never be turned away if we come to Him in faith. It filled me with hope, knowing that we’re all held in His heart so dearly.

As I write this, Mini is barking at the window again. I don’t even have the ambition to see what it is; almost always, it’s a rabbit. She’ll tire herself out soon, and then we can both rest in peace.

O Lord, as I end this day, I place myself and my loved ones into Your care. Watch over us as we sleep, and let Your love guide us closer to You. Amen.


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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

Click for a Better Look February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around...