Friday, November 15, 2024

Warmth Across the Miles

Dear Diary,

Today’s Gospel was a strong reminder of staying prepared, like the days of Noah and Lot. I wondered about what it means to be ready, to hold onto what matters while letting go of things that weigh us down. I think sometimes we don’t realize how easily we can get lost in little things that don’t last.

It’s a quiet, chilly day, and the air is heavy with the sense of winter on its way. Mini found a warm spot curled up in a little ball next to the church stove, snug and content. Right before the homily, Sister Mary Claire got up to add a piece of wood to keep the warmth going. I wonder what a really cold winter would feel like here. The Farmers' Almanac says we should expect lots of snow and below-zero days – quite an adventure ahead, if that’s true.

Something lovely happened during Mass today. When I opened my prayer book, out slipped Vreni's letter, with the little sketch she made of me. It felt like she was right there with me, like her kind thoughts had crossed the miles just to visit me in this quiet place. I felt such warmth, like friendship itself was wrapping around me.

O Lord, thank You for friends who feel close no matter the distance. Let our thoughts and prayers for each other be like gentle lights along the way. Amen.

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