Monday, November 4, 2024

The Blessings of Unseen Kindness

November 4, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today I wrote a little note back to Vreni, thanking her for her letter and the lovely Morning Devotions she copied out for me from her Confirmation prayer book. They were just what I needed, especially with the chilly mornings starting to settle in. It’s funny, but even Mini seems to enjoy listening to me as I read those words aloud. She snuggles up close, and her little ears perk up like she’s following along.

In my letter, I shared a bit about the Gospel reading from today. Jesus was visiting a Pharisee for dinner, and He spoke so plainly about kindness—the sort that comes without expecting anything in return. He said that when you invite people over, it shouldn’t just be friends or family, but also those who can’t repay you, like the poor or the blind. Jesus called them the blessed, and I think it’s because they remind us of God’s pure, unmeasured love. They might not bring a gift in return, but there’s a kind of joy that fills the heart when you help someone who truly needs it. Jesus said that the repayment comes later, at the resurrection.

I imagine Vreni will love this Gospel, knowing how thoughtful she is. I told her how it made me think of the kind gestures we can offer to those around us, even if we never get to see the reward here on earth.

The cold weather is definitely making itself known, and I think Mini feels it more than me sometimes. She gets her little legs tangled up in the blankets as she tries to make herself as snug as possible. We’ve taken to going outside a bit less, and when we do, she’s wearing her little wool sweater. I’m sure Vreni would laugh to see her trotting about the yard in it, looking all cozy and warm.

As I finished my letter, I included a little prayer. It’s one I read this morning: “Lord Jesus, help me to love with a heart that expects nothing in return. Teach me to see others as You do, and to cherish the smallest acts of kindness as precious offerings to You.”

And with that, my heart feels full and grateful, thinking of all these little blessings.

Goodnight, dear Diary, and God bless.


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