Sunday, November 10, 2024

A Sunlit Path to Mass and Mother's Gentle Blessing

Dear Diary,

This morning, the sun was shining so brightly over the new snowfall that it seemed to light up the whole world. The snowplow had been through sometime after we’d gone to bed, and Tom was already out with his tractor, clearing the driveway and making sure the path was clear for us to get to Holy Mass. By the time Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and I bundled up and headed out, the thin layer of snow left by the plow was already melting off the road.

At Mass, Father LeRoy’s homily was on the story of the poor widow in the temple. I couldn’t stop thinking about her two small coins, given from her heart even though they were all she had. Father explained that her gift wasn’t valuable because of the amount but because of her trust in God. She gave without worry, confident in His care, showing us that God sees the love behind our offering, not the size of it.

After Communion, Father read something by St. Bernard about the Blessed Virgin Mary. His words were beautiful, like poetry, describing her as a star of hope, guiding us with her motherly love and gentle example. It felt like a blessing wrapped around us. I knew I had to share it with Vreni. As we left, Father handed me a copy, saying with a smile that he knew I’d ask. He is so thoughtful, always one step ahead!

After lunch, I wrote to Vreni and copied St. Bernard’s words at the end. I’ll send it Monday after Breakfast Club, where I help hand out eggs. It’s become a special Monday routine with the four cousins—Hayden, Caleb, Sasha, and Max—keeping the Breakfast Club running smoothly. Their little shop has such warmth, and it’s a joy to be part of it.

Tonight, the brown hen is back in her coop, snuggled in for the night. With the house quiet, Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and I settled in with my little Swiss radio, letting Bishop Barron’s homily fill the room. His voice and words brought peace to my heart, and sleep came gently as his message lingered in our ears.

Dear Lord, thank You for all the blessings of today—for the light of the sun, the beauty of Holy Mass, and the gentle presence of Your Mother’s Love. Please bless us with restful sleep, that we may wake ready to serve You with hearts full of love and trust. Amen.

All is well, and I am filled with peace,

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