Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Dear Diary

November 12, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning greeted us with a chill, 38 degrees, and it won’t be much warmer than the 50s today. Cold days like these make for quick sprints to Holy Mass, and I'm grateful to have Sister Mary Claire beside me on the brisk walk there and back. We hurried through the morning chores, and then I was back in the house, cozy and settled with Mini by my side.

After settling in, I reread the Gospel from Mass today, Luke 17:7-10. Sister explained that this passage is about humility and doing God’s work not for recognition but simply because it is what we are meant to do. She told me how we are like the servants in the story, doing what is expected of us and offering our service quietly and faithfully. "When you have done all you have been commanded," Sister recited, "say, 'We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do.'" It made me think about all the little ways I can serve, just like the chores I do around here, or the small acts of kindness I can offer each day.

Later, I started a letter to Vreni, but before I knew it, the day had slipped by, and I felt like ending it with a prayer instead.

Here is my little prayer for tonight:

"Dear Lord, thank you for the warmth that surrounds us this evening, for the hands that provide and care for us, and for this safe, snug home. Bless Sister Mary Claire for her loving guidance and our friends who feel close to us even when they’re far away. Keep us close to you, Lord, in all we do and in the way we serve. Amen."

Everything is tucked in now, and Mini’s already curled up in her spot. Sister's new Ashley wood-burning stove fills the house with such a snug warmth—it feels as though it wraps around us like a cozy quilt. I'll go to bed tonight grateful, knowing we are sheltered and watched over.

Goodnight, Diary.


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