Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Beams of Faith

November 6, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today’s Gospel really made me think. Sister Mary Claire explained it in such a way that the lesson felt close to my own life, even if the words at first seemed a little hard. She talked about a barn raising and what it takes to finish a project once you’ve started it.

She said, “Imagine if we all came together to build a barn, and partway through, we ran out of the beams we needed for the roof. We’d be standing there, looking up at our work half-finished, with the wind whistling through the gaps.” She said everyone in town would shake their heads and maybe even laugh, thinking, “How could they start a barn raising without enough materials?”

In the Gospel, Jesus says something like that. If we want to follow Him, we need to be ready to give our whole selves—not just parts or pieces. It’s like making sure we have all the beams and materials to finish what we’ve set out to build. Sister said Jesus asks us to carry our own crosses, no matter how heavy or strange they seem, and to love Him above everything else—even the things we care most about. It means we need to have the strength to keep building, even when the work is hard or when we feel like we might not have enough.

As I sat thinking about it, Mini was right there by my feet, resting her chin on my shoe, as if she was listening to every word. She always seems to know when something is stirring in my heart. She stayed close, warm and calm, as if that alone could help me understand what I need to do. I wonder if maybe I need to follow Jesus like Mini follows me, with a quiet trust and love.

A Bedtime Prayer:

Dear Jesus,

Help me to gather the beams I need to follow You, one by one, so that my faith is as strong as the barn Sister described. May I always love You above all else and carry my cross bravely. Thank You for the people and little friends, like Mini, who make me feel safe as I try to live for You.

In Your name, Amen.


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