Monday, November 11, 2024

A Letter from Vreni

November 11 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was full of surprises and gentle reminders. After Sister Mary Claire and I got home from Mass, I found a letter from Vreni in the mailbox! Inside, she had included a beautiful drawing she traced from her 1901 prayer book. It was of a girl in prayer, with her hands folded and her head bowed slightly. Vreni wrote that when she saw it, she thought it looked just like me! I felt so honored and a little bit shy, imagining myself in that way, but it made me smile. It’s like Vreni was sending me a reminder to stay close to God and to keep a gentle heart.

Sister Mary Claire also shared a wonderful reflection on today’s Gospel from Luke 17:1-6. She explained that Jesus was teaching His disciples about the seriousness of causing others to stumble into sin. He says it would be better for someone to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown into the sea than to lead someone, especially “little ones,” into wrongdoing. Sister said Jesus wants us to be examples of kindness and gentleness, to protect each other from falling away from Him.

But even with this strong warning, Jesus teaches us about forgiveness. Sister Mary Claire reminded me that He calls us to forgive, not just once or twice, but as many times as needed, even seven times in one day. When we forgive, we are showing mercy just like He does, letting go of any anger and trusting in His love to heal us.

When the Apostles asked for more faith, Jesus spoke about how even faith as small as a mustard seed is enough. Sister said that a mustard seed is tiny, but it grows into something large and strong. Jesus was reminding us that even if our faith feels small and weak, it is still precious to Him. With that little faith, we can trust that He will help it grow into something strong and beautiful. Vreni’s picture makes me think of this, too—the girl’s quiet prayer shows that even a small faith, when nurtured, can bring us close to God.

I tucked Vreni’s letter inside my "All for Jesus" book, where I can see it each day. Her drawing will remind me of the kindness Jesus wants us to show others and how He treasures even the smallest faith in our hearts, like a mustard seed that will one day grow tall and sturdy.

With a grateful heart,

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