Wednesday, November 27, 2024

A Snowbound Thanksgiving Lesson

November 28, 1955
Dear Diary,

Today was Thanksgiving, and even though the snow kept us home, Sister Mary Claire reminded me it’s not just about a big meal or gathering with family. She said Thanksgiving is truly about gratitude and generosity—two sides of the same coin.

As we sat by the fire, Sister shared that the word “thanksgiving” means giving thanks but also giving of ourselves. She said the Pilgrims didn’t just thank God for their blessings; they also shared what little they had with their neighbors. That sharing—their generosity—was how they showed their gratitude to God.

I thought about that while feeding the chickens and gathering their eggs. The brown hen pecked at my shoelaces again, and instead of being annoyed, I laughed and thought of her as one of God’s little gifts. Sister says generosity isn’t just about giving what we have—it’s about giving with a loving heart. She reminded me of St. Francis of Assisi, who gave his cloak to a man in need, not out of duty but because he saw Christ in him.

Thanksgiving is a day to count blessings, yes, but it’s also a day to ask, “How can I be a blessing to someone else?” Maybe it’s in the little things—like making sure the hen’s basket is clean and comfortable, or sharing some of our eggs with a neighbor who might need them. Even sharing my time with Mini, tossing her squeaky ball across the room, feels like a small act of love.

Sister told me that God is the first and greatest giver. Everything we have—the snow outside, the crackling fire, even Mini’s funny little wagging bottom—is a gift from Him. She said when we give back to others, whether it’s time, kindness, or even just a smile, we’re reflecting His love. That’s what makes our thanksgiving holy.

So tonight, as I sit by the fire and look at Mini dozing peacefully, I’m asking God to help me grow in gratitude and generosity. I want to give, not because I have to, but because my heart is so full it can’t help but overflow. That’s the kind of thanksgiving I want to live—not just today, but every day.

Goodnight, Diary.

Thank You, God, for Your endless blessings. Teach me to give as You give, to love as You love, and to see the face of Jesus in everyone I meet.

With love,


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