Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Cold Walk and a Lesson in Gratitude

November 13, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister and I bundled up and set off for Church under a cold, gray sky. It was 39 degrees, and though most of the snow has melted away, Sister says the ground is acting like a heating pad, keeping the snow from sticking around. The air felt heavy, like it could rain any moment, and even Mini seemed to sense the chill, trotting quickly and glancing up as we walked.

When we reached Church, I handed out the Daily Mass readings while Sister went back to the Sacristy to practice the readings  since she was today’s lector. Today’s Gospel was from Luke, the story of the ten lepers who were healed, though only one returned to thank Jesus. As usual, Mini wanted to follow Sister into the Sacristy, and when I told her to stay with me to greet the parishioners, she obeyed. But she kept her ears down, flat like airplane wings, a signal of her conflicted feelings. She was trying to be obedient but couldn’t quite understand why she couldn’t follow Sister. I could almost see her puzzling it out, a little unsure of what to do.

The Gospel’s message of gratitude stuck with me today. Sister reminded me afterward that we should be grateful for all God gives us, just like the one leper who returned to thank Jesus. It’s easy to forget sometimes, but I’m trying to remember to thank Him for the little things, like having the health to go to Mass or a warm home to come back to.

When we got home, Sister and I made egg salad sandwiches and set up our TV trays in front of the Ashley stove. After the cold walk, it felt wonderful to sit in the warmth, and somehow, the egg salad tasted even better.

Here’s our recipe for egg salad sandwiches:

Egg Salad Sandwiches

• 4 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped

• 2 tablespoons mayonnaise

• 1 teaspoon mustard (Dijon if you like a bit of a kick)

• Salt and pepper to taste

• A sprinkle of chives or parsley for a bit of color (optional)

1. Mash the eggs with a fork, then stir in the mayonnaise and mustard.

2. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Serve on soft bread with a leaf of lettuce, or on toasted bread for some crunch.

As the evening grew colder, we added another piece of wood to the Ashley stove and got ready to turn in. Mini’s already curled up, snug and warm. Before I turn out the lights, here is my prayer for tonight:

“Lord, thank You for the warmth of our home, the love of my sister, and the faithfulness of my little Mini. Help me to be like the one leper who returned to give You thanks, recognizing all the ways You bless my life, even in small ways. Please keep us safe through the night, and let us rise tomorrow with gratitude in our hearts. Amen.”

Goodnight, dear Diary. With gratitude in my heart, I close you up for another day.

With love,


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