Monday, September 16, 2024

Wandering Mind

September 16, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Father Leroy’s homily was based on a beautiful passage from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 7, verses 1-10, about the faith of the centurion. Father spoke about how the centurion's humility and unwavering trust in Jesus allowed his servant to be healed, even though he felt unworthy to have Jesus come under his roof. The words "Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof" rang in my heart. Father Leroy said we should strive to have that same faith—humble, trusting, and unwavering.

But what truly set my mind soaring was when Father quoted from All for Jesus by Father Faber. He said, "True devotion is to give all to Jesus, and to desire nothing for ourselves but to please Him." Oh, how that simple line stirred my soul! I could feel my heart longing for such pure devotion. Imagine giving everything over to Him—how freeing it would be to have no desire other than to please Him!

After Mass, Father Leroy kindly lent me his copy of All for Jesus, and I spent the evening quietly reading the first page. Father Faber’s words leapt off the page with such depth and grace, I felt like I was drinking in the wisdom of the saints. He spoke about the love we should have for Jesus and the joy that comes from living entirely for Him.

Tonight, as I drift off, I ask for the faith of the centurion and the devotion Father Faber speaks of. Jesus, help me give all for You, and may I be satisfied with nothing but Your grace.

With love in Christ, Kathy

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