Monday, September 2, 2024

Mini Meets Jack

September 2, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning was simply wonderful! Mini was back to her old, playful self, racing along the road as we walked to church. I could hardly keep up with her! We were about halfway there when she came face to face with the most enormous Jack Rabbit I’ve ever seen. It was the first giant rabbit Mini had ever encountered, and I could tell she was utterly confused. This rabbit was nothing like the little cottontails she’s used to chasing. She stood there, puzzled, unsure whether to give chase or scamper away. In the end, she just wagged her little bottom, and the rabbit calmly hopped away.

Holy Mass was beautiful today. Father LeRoy’s homily touched my heart, as always. He spoke about the Gospel passage from Luke, where Jesus returns to Nazareth and proclaims the words of the prophet Isaiah. Father reminded us that Jesus came to bring us the Good News, to set us free from the chains of sin, and to open our eyes to God’s love. He said, "Just as Jesus stood up in the synagogue and declared that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, He calls each of us to stand up and be bearers of glad tidings. We are all anointed by our baptism to bring hope and healing to a world that desperately needs it."

After Mass, we were treated to a Labor Day breakfast hosted by the Knights of Columbus. Oh, Diary, it was so much fun! The pancakes were absolutely delicious, and Vince M. was a master at flipping them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone flip a pancake so perfectly every time! We all laughed and enjoyed each other’s company, and the maple syrup was just right.

The day ended on a peaceful note. Sister Mary Claire and I said our evening prayers together. I had written a little prayer earlier, and I was so glad to share it with her:

"Dear Lord, thank you for this day and the joy it brought. Bless our hearts with your love, our minds with your wisdom, and our souls with your peace. Guide us as we sleep, and let us awake with renewed strength to serve you tomorrow. Amen."

Oh yes, I almost forgot! After prayers, Sister Mary Claire read Chapter 17 of Catholic Crusoe to me before we turned off the lights. It was the perfect way to end such a lovely day.

Goodnight, Diary.


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