Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Our Reward is in Heaven

Dear Diary,

This morning's walk to Church was a bit brisk, as the chill of September was certainly in the air. Sister Mary Claire walked beside me, bundled in her warm habit, while Mini trotted along, her little legs working quickly to keep up. She had her nose to the ground, hoping to catch the scent of her rabbit friend, Jack. Poor Mini searched all along the way, but no sign of Jack today. Maybe tomorrow she'll have better luck.

When we arrived at the Church, we took our usual place by the doors to greet the parishioners. Mini, of course, was quite the helper, and she was so proud as she sat by our side, greeting everyone with her wagging bottom and handing out the gospel reading with us. Today's Gospel, from Luke 6:20-26, was a powerful reminder of blessings and challenges. Father LeRoy's homily touched on how the blessings Jesus spoke of are for those who often feel forgotten by the world—the poor, the hungry, and those who weep. He said that Jesus' words teach us to find joy even in hardship because our reward isn't found in this world but in heaven. He encouraged us to be mindful of the "woes" as well, reminding us not to become too attached to comfort and praise in this life.

After Mass, Tom and Judy invited Sister and me over to the big house for a delicious breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was quite the feast! The pancakes were fluffy, and the bacon was perfectly crispy. Mini even got a little bacon snack, and let me tell you, that made her morning. I don't think I’ve ever seen her so excited over a treat. I, on the other hand, became a bit sleepy after such a hearty meal.

Tom asked if we’d like to ride along with him to Des Moines to pick up a part for his little Ford tractor. It was nice of him to take us along in his pickup. The drive was peaceful, and the time passed quickly as we chatted about the upcoming harvest and the changes in the weather. Des Moines seemed busy, but the errand was simple, and we were back on the farm before evening.

As the day came to a close, Sister Mary Claire and I returned to the prayer wagon. The cool night air outside contrasted with the warmth inside, and it felt so comforting to settle in for the night. Mini curled up beside us, happy and content after her adventure-filled day.

Before sleep, we said our evening prayer together:

"O Lord, thank you for the blessings of this day—for the warmth of fellowship, the beauty of your Word, and the care you show to us through the kindness of friends. May we always trust in your promise, and remember that the rewards of heaven far surpass the trials of this life. Keep us safe through the night, and guide our hearts to follow in your paths of grace. In your name, we pray. Amen."

Now it’s time to rest. Tomorrow is another day in your care.

Goodnight, dear diary.


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