Saturday, October 5, 2024

Dear Diary

Today was a peaceful day by Lake Zurich. Sister Mary Claire read me the Gospel of the day from her Roman Daily Missal, Luke 10:17-24, the passage about the seventy-two disciples returning with joy and how Jesus reminded them not to rejoice because the spirits were subject to them, but because their names are written in heaven. It’s comforting to think that our names are known in such a way, and I feel the connection to it, even here in the quiet of our travels. Just as Jesus praised the Father for revealing truths to the childlike, I felt blessed by the simplicity of this moment, knowing we’re far from home, yet finding peace in God’s creation and guidance.

Mini has been thriving in this cool weather. She seems to love exploring the grassy patio with its interesting smells. It’s like her own little paradise—she’s been so curious, sniffing around every corner. Tomorrow, if the weather stays nice, we’re planning a trip across the border into Germany to buy groceries since the prices are a little more affordable there. Mini is becoming quite the international traveler! It’s funny to think she’ll soon be a pup with stories from Switzerland and Germany under her collar.

As I close the day, I offer a small prayer for the journey ahead and the blessings already given:

O Lord, keep us close in heart and guide our steps on this path, For every field and stream that lies ahead, let us find Your love in its beauty. May we rejoice not in what we possess but in Your everlasting grace, That no matter where we roam, we know You walk beside us.

In peace and love,

Friday, October 4, 2024

Lake Zurich

October 4, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire read the Gospel of the day aloud. It was from Luke 10:13-16, and it carried such weight. I felt a chill as she spoke, “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida!” The Gospel was a solemn reminder that rejecting God's love has consequences, but those who listen and open their hearts are the ones who receive Him. After reading, Sister shared a little story about how this Gospel made her think of our lives here at Lake Zurich. She spoke about how sometimes we’re like those towns—so close to beauty and grace but unable to fully receive it. Sister said, "We can miss out on the gifts in front of us if we don’t recognize them," reminding me of how every moment here is precious.

The last piece of our luggage finally arrived last night, so we feel settled in now. It was a relief after waiting for it so long. Today, we decided to take a long walk through the forest just outside our door. The mountain stream rushing along its path made Mini incredibly happy—she explored every nook and cranny, even tried to chase the water at times. The view of Lake Zurich was breathtaking. I wish I could paint it, but no canvas could do it justice.

On our way back, we stopped at a little grocery store. The store had everything from local bread to the creamiest Swiss cream and milk. Of course, I joked to Sister about getting Kolona creme and milk like we did back home, but we decided to give the local Swiss ones a try. I wonder if they’ll match up.

As I reflect on the day, I feel peaceful. There’s something about the forest and the lake that brings a calm I can’t quite describe. This place has so much to offer—quiet moments, the warmth of companionship, and God’s beauty all around.

Evening Prayer:

"O Lord, as we walked through the trees today,
The stream rushed by, and Mini at play.
The mountain air, the forest deep,
Your creation in our hearts we keep.

Thank You for the view of Your grace,
For leading us to this peaceful place.
With cream and milk from foreign land,
We see the work of Your gentle hand.

Guide us through the night so still,
In peace and love, we do Your will."


Good night, dear diary.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Lost Luggage

October 3, 1955

Dear Diary,

We have finally arrived safe and sound in Zurich! Sister and I found the little apartment reserved for us—it’s cozy and perfect, just what we needed after the long journey. However, we did have a small hiccup: our luggage was lost along the way. They reassured us that it should be delivered to the apartment today, and I can’t wait to see it arrive, especially since our coats are inside, and it’s quite chilly at 48 degrees. For now, we’re staying close to the apartment to keep warm.

Sister will begin teaching on Monday, so I’m happy to have her all to myself until then. Mini seems happy too, exploring the sweet little backyard we discovered. It’s perfect for her to roam around safely.

This evening, Sister read the Gospel reading to me, the one about Jesus sending out his disciples. It made me feel safe, like we were back home again at our little country Church with Father LeRoy. Sister told me a story about trusting in God’s care, even when we feel like lambs among wolves. Her words wrapped me in comfort, reminding me that no matter where we are, God is always watching over us.

Here’s my little evening prayer:

Dear Lord, watch over me tonight,
Guide my steps with Your holy light.
Though far from home, Your love is near,
In Your embrace, I have no fear.

Bless Sister, Mini, and those I love,
Guard us with grace from heaven above.
And may tomorrow’s dawn bring peace,
In You, O Lord, my heart finds ease.

Goodnight, Diary.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

It's My Birthday

October 2 1955

Dear Diary,

What a special day it is—my birthday! And I couldn't think of a better way to start it than arriving safely at the London airport. Mini was such a good girl, curled up in her seat, sleeping through almost the whole flight, like a little angel. Sister Mary Claire and I are now waiting for a smaller plane to take us to Zurich, and the adventure feels even more real.

As we wait, Sister Mary Claire pulled out her Daily Missal. Today's Gospel reading touched my heart—Jesus speaking of the innocence of children and how we must become like them to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It made me smile because that’s exactly how I feel today, filled with wonder and excitement like a child on her birthday.

Sister even told me a story, much like Father Leroy’s homilies at home. She said, "Kathy, remember the time when you asked about who is the greatest in God’s eyes? It’s those who are humble and loving, just like little children, trusting without fear. That’s why Jesus calls us to be like them." Her words made me feel as if we were right back at St. Mary's, hearing Father’s voice echo through the small, beloved church.

I did ask Sister Mary Claire about Omelette and Shaggy Coat, and she smiled, assuring me that Tom and Judy are taking excellent care of the farm. "Don't worry, Kathy. They’ll be just fine, and everything will be as you left it."

With that comfort in my heart, I said a little birthday prayer:

O angels of grace, Guide me today, With humility and love, Show me the way.

Bless Mini, Sister, and all who care, As we continue this journey with gentle prayer.

Now, I’m ready to take the next flight and see what wonders await in Zurich.

With love and excitement,

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

On the Way

October 1, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I attended early morning Mass for the last time at the church by the lake. It was bittersweet saying goodbye to Father Linnan and all the new friends we've made during our stay. As the Gospel was read, I listened closely to the words from Luke. Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem, resolute in his journey, but faced rejection in a Samaritan village. When James and John wanted to call down fire from heaven, Jesus rebuked them. Father Linnan shared in his homily how often we are tempted to react with frustration when things don't go as planned or when we feel rejected. But Jesus shows us a better way—to turn and journey on, trusting in God’s plan, even when we face obstacles.

After Mass, we returned to the cabin. I helped lock it up, knowing we wouldn’t see it for a while. The car was packed and ready to go, but I noticed Mini looking around with curious eyes, wondering why we were leaving. I reassured her, stroking her fur, and she seemed to trust our judgment, even if she didn't fully understand.

Now, on the plane, as the clock moves toward evening, I find myself reflecting on the journey ahead. At 5 p.m., as we boarded, I whispered a little prayer to calm my heart and give thanks for the time we've had:

"O Lord, of paths both near and far,
Guide our steps, where’er they are.
Through village roads or skies of blue,
May we walk and trust in You.
When doors are closed and plans undone,
Help us know Your will is one.
In peace and faith, we move along,
With You, O Christ, where we belong."

Mini curled up at my feet, finding peace as the plane hummed with steady rhythm, and I knew we were ready for whatever lay ahead.

With gratitude and faith,

Dear Diary

Today was a peaceful day by Lake Zurich. Sister Mary Claire read me the Gospel of the day from her Roman Daily Missal, Luke 10:17-24, the pa...