Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9, 1955

May 9th - 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Ascension Day, was filled with grace and beautiful moments. Sister Mary Claire and I started our morning at Holy Mass in our dear little country church, where Father LeRoy inspired us with his homily about Christ's glorious ascent. It's heartening to think of Jesus guiding us from above, encouraging us to follow Him with fervent love.

While the local farmers have been busy planting corn, I overheard one of them mention that tomorrow, May 10th, is considered the perfect day to finish. It seems there's a common preference among them to complete their planting by this date, bolstered by the good fortune of recent rains. This afternoon, the simple pleasure of gardening brought a peaceful close to our active morning. We harvested fresh lettuce from the garden, enough to craft a crisp salad that was both refreshing and fulfilling.

As evening fell, Sister Mary Claire and I shared a quiet time of prayer, reflecting on the blessings of the day. We gave thanks for Tom and Judy, whose hard work and care sustain the farm, for Father LeRoy's spiritual guidance, and for the joyous companionship of our smart corgi, MINI. She continues to delight us with her antics, especially her new skill of walking backwards—second only to her love of chasing the ball.

I close this day with a small prayer of gratitude:

"Lord, thank You for the blessings of this Ascension Day, for the hands that nurture the soil and souls, and for the paws that enliven our hearts. Grant us rest tonight, and readiness for the new day, filled with Your grace and the love of those around us. Amen."

With a heart full of gratitude, Kathy

Learn More about these two Sisters Here

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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

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