Sunday, May 19, 2024

May 19, 1955

The Sunday Sermon & Iowa Thunderstorm

May 19th, 1955
Dear Diary,

Today is Pentecost Sunday, and it began with a thunderous boom in the sky. The rain started to pour, setting the stage for Father LeRoy’s sermon. During Mass, Father LeRoy urged us to use our imagination. In his homily, he asked us to visualize the assembly of the disciples in the upper room.

I closed my eyes and tried to picture the scene. I could see the disciples gathered closely together, their faces glowing with the ardor of their prayers and their hearts raised to heaven. Their voices were soft but filled with intensity as they awaited the fulfillment of the promises of their beloved Master. I imagined the warm, golden light in the room, reflecting their growing desire with each moment.

Father LeRoy asked us to pay particular attention to Mary, the humble Mother of God, the sublime sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. I focused on her serene face, her eyes closed in prayer, and felt a deep connection. This made me remember the Holy Mother at the entrance of the chapel I built in my heart. I made a resolution: "I will be recollected in spirit, attentive to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost, and docile to His divine guidance." As a spiritual bouquet, I prayed, "Come, O Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love."

After lunch, Sister Mary Claire and I went into town to get groceries. We listened to Bishop Barron's Pentecost homily in Tom's pickup truck. The thunder and lightning throughout the day seemed to make it a perfect Pentecost.

This evening, Sister Mary Claire and I ended the day in the Inner Court, under our cozy patchwork quilt teepee. As we snuggled together, I felt a deep sense of gratefulness for having my beloved sister with me continually. Her presence is a constant source of comfort and joy, and I cherish every moment we spend together.

Evening Prayer:

Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for filling this day with Your presence and power. As the disciples awaited Your coming with fervent hearts, help me to be attentive to Your inspirations and guidance. May I always carry Jesus, Mary and my little Church retreat in my heart. Thank You especially for the love and closeness of Sister Mary Claire, whose constant attentiveness and care bring me such comfort and joy. Fill me with Your love and let it burn brightly within me. Amen.

Love, Kathy

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