Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 1955

June 3, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was a beautiful day! I went to morning Mass with Father LeRoy. He always has such wonderful things to say in his homilies. Today, he talked about how amazing and majestic God is. He said that God is like a strong mountain, never changing, never moving. No matter what happens, God stays the same forever. Isn't that incredible?

Father LeRoy told us to remember that God will never change His feelings toward us. He will never leave us, never let us down, never get tired of us, and never forget us. We can always trust in Him. Father LeRoy said we should feel strong and safe because of this. When we trust God, we can be strong in our faith and do good things because we share a little bit in God's never-changing nature.

I really liked what Father LeRoy said. It made me feel so happy and safe knowing that God is always there for me, no matter what. I will try to remember this and trust in God more every day.

In the evening, Tom and Judy made popcorn and invited us over to watch a Jimmy Stewart movie called "Anatomy of a Murder." It was a bit scary but really good. The movie made me think about what Father LeRoy said this morning. Even when things are a bit scary or uncertain, God is always there, unchanging and steady like a rock. This thought made me feel better as I watched the movie.

Afterward, Sister and I said our evening prayers in the prayer wagon before going to sleep. Here is the prayer we said together:

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for being with us today and always. Thank You for never changing and for always loving us. Help us to trust in You and feel safe knowing that You are always there. Please bless Tom and Judy for their kindness, and thank You for the fun evening we had together. Keep us safe through the night and help us to wake up ready to love and serve You again tomorrow.


Love, Kathy

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