Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 1955

The Sunday Sermon & Iowa Thunderstorm


Dear Diary,

Today was quite an adventure! Sister Mary Claire and I set off for Altoona, Iowa, where she promised a big surprise. She kept calling it the Brown Hen Pen, but I have no idea what that means. I'm so curious to find out!

The weather wasn't the best for traveling—it's been pouring rain, with thunder rumbling all around us. But the pickup truck is cozy, and we made the best of it by listening to Bishop Barron's Sunday homily on the radio.

Bishop Barron talked about how people of faith see things differently. They see everything that nonbelievers see, like history and the news, but they also see more—they see the world according to God's plans and purposes. This vision can make spiritual people seem a little crazy to others. He mentioned how all three readings this Sunday touch on this theme, reminding us to keep our faith and look at the world with God's eyes.

I'll tell you all about our adventure tomorrow once we find out what the big surprise is!

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for this day and for keeping us safe on our journey. Thank You for the cozy moments in the pickup truck and for the wisdom we heard in Bishop Barron's homily. Help us to always see the world through Your eyes, understanding Your plans and purposes even when they seem unclear.

Please watch over us tonight and grant us a peaceful sleep. Bless Sister Mary Claire and guide us in all our adventures. Keep us safe from the storm and help us wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day.


Goodnight, Diary. Can't wait to share more tomorrow!

With Love and Devotion,

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