Friday, June 21, 2024

My Brown Hen

June 21, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today began with an early morning walk down the gravel road to St. Mary's Catholic Church. The air was crisp and cool, and the fields were a vibrant green from all the rain we've been having. Sister Mary Claire and I talked about the flowers and the birds singing in the morning light.

At Holy Mass Father LeRoy gave a wonderful homily about Conformity to God's Will. He explained that the will of God is the law of our life, and our will is what drives us. He said that if our will aligns with God's will, our lives will be perfect and in harmony with God's plan. It made me feel uplifted and hopeful, knowing that by following God's will, we can live in His love and grace.

After Mass, Sister Mary Claire and I walked back home, enjoying the beautiful green fields and the fresh, clean air. Once home, I went to do my chicken chores. I checked on Omelette, my dear pet chicken, and found her in the nest. She had laid a big brown egg! I felt so happy and proud of her.

The evening came, and Sister Mary Claire and I found ourselves in the Inner Court prayer wagon saying our prayers. We made up a new evening prayer together:

"Dear Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day and all the blessings you have given us. Help us to always follow Your will and live in harmony with Your plan. Guide us in our actions and fill our hearts with Your love. Bless our family and friends, and watch over our home. Amen."

I love spending time with Sister Mary Claire and taking care of Mini and our little hen Omelette who is now such a dear part of our family. Mini and Omelette both bring so much joy to my life.

Good night to all. Good night, Dear Diary.

Love, Kathy

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