Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2, 1955

Dear Diary,

I'm so sorry for missing a few days. Sister Mary Claire and I went to Lake Okoboji about 200 miles north, specifically to the Manhattan Beach Cabins, where our parents always took us when we were little (well, I guess I am still kinda little.)  It was so wonderful to revisit those memories and spend time at such a special place.

This morning, Father LeRoy's homily was excellent. He talked about how big God is and how He is everywhere—in all created space, above all things, under all things, within all things, and outside all things. It was so inspiring to think about how God is Everywhere and in Everything.

At Manhattan Beach, the oak trees are so large! Not like God but they reminded me of the giant windmills in "Gulliver's Travels." We stopped at a nursery and brought three baby ones back with us. We'll plant them in the Inner Court wagon's little yard, but I'll write more about that later.

Tonight, Sister Mary Clare and I said a special evening prayer together:

"Dear Jesus, thank You for this beautiful day and for all the blessings You give us. Help us to always feel Your presence in everything we do. Guide us to be kind, patient, and loving, just as You taught us. Protect us through the night and give us strength for tomorrow. Amen."

That's about all for now, Diary. Good night!

Love, Kathy

P.S.  Our cabin was the first one on the left. 

See You Next Time!


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Stepping into Trust

March 8, 1956 Dear Diary, This evening, as I turned the pages of my big picture book, my eyes rested on an old oil painting, its colors soft...