Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30th, 1955

June 30th, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was supposed to be our return to the cave, but plans changed because I kind of forgot about the church picnic, which took most of the afternoon. And what a wonderful picnic it was! All our friends and neighbors were there, making it such a joyous gathering. It was especially nice to see Zeke and his wife Judy. Zeke's farm, full of threshing machines and old iron piles, always fascinates me. His business of selling iron keeps him busy, and it's incredible how much he knows about every piece he has.

After a delightful potluck dinner, we all gathered to listen to Bishop Robert Barron's homily. It touched me deeply because it was about a young girl my age who was very sick and passed away, but Jesus brought her back to life. Hearing that story made me reflect on the power of faith and the miracles that can happen when we trust in Him. It reminded me that no matter how tough things get, Jesus is always with us, ready to bring light into our darkest moments.

By the time Sister Mary Clare and I got home from the picnic and finished our chores, it was already time to say our prayers in the Inner Court Wagon. We wrote a special prayer tonight, reflecting on the day and all the blessings we've received.

Dear Lord,

We thank You for the wonderful day we had today, for the joyous moments shared with our friends and neighbors at the picnic, and for the inspiring words from Bishop Robert Barron. We are grateful for the reminder of Your miracles and the faith that sustains us through all trials.

Lord, we pray for the strength to trust in Your plans, even when they seem uncertain. Just as You brought the young girl back to life, bring light and hope into our lives. Guide us in our daily chores and help us to find joy in the simple tasks we perform.

Keep our loved ones safe and bless Zeke, Judy, and all our friends. Thank You for the beauty of this day and the lessons learned. As we rest tonight, fill our hearts with peace and our minds with Your wisdom.

In Your holy name, we pray.


Goodnight, dear Diary. Today was a reminder of the beauty in faith, friendship, and the simple joys of life.

With love, Kathy

Friday, June 28, 2024

Shaggy Coat's Secret

June 29, 1955

Dear Diary, 

The day began with a misty, cool morning, perfect for a walk to Holy Mass. Sister Mary Claire and I set out early, our steps quiet on the damp path. The world around us was cloaked in a gentle fog, with droplets of moisture hanging from the leaves and grass, shimmering in the soft morning light. The air was fresh and crisp, and the peaceful silence was broken only by the distant chirping of waking birds.

Fr. LeRoy's homily today was about God's hatred of sin and how we should strive to hate it as well. He spoke with such conviction, reminding us that even the smallest sins can separate us from God. His words lingered in my mind, a call to live a more devout and careful life, avoiding the little missteps that lead us away from His grace.

After Mass, we walked home. I did my chicken chores with Mini eagerly watching and guiding me at every step. Omelette, my faithful brown hen, is doing wonderfully and continues to lay one brown egg each day. After collecting the egg, I enjoyed a simple lunch of one brown boiled egg and some salad greens with olive oil.

With Mini taking her afternoon nap, I set out to the creek. Shaggy Coat waddled up to me as if on a mission and turned around, beckoning me to follow him. He kept glancing back to ensure I was close behind. We veered off from the main creek, following a smaller tributary toward Top Meadow, a place I had never explored. Eventually, we reached an area dense with thickets, bushes, mulberry plants, and grapevines. I thought perhaps Shaggy Coat wanted to share the berries, but instead, he squeezed through the vines and disappeared but in a moment his head peeked out and beckoned me to follow.

Curiosity piqued, I pushed aside the vines and discovered a cave opening. Holding tight to my rosary, on hands and knees I managed to squeeze through the dense foliage, a bit fearful of what I might find inside. Once inside I found the cave was more than just a niche in the side of the hill—it seemed to go deeper, and I could hear the faint sound of water running within. There was no water flowing out of the cave, so I guessed there must be an underground stream. I decided to bring a lantern and explore it further tomorrow.

Before leaving, I sat quietly and prayed an Our Father and Three Hail Marys. The serene beauty of the cave filled me with a sense of peace. I knew that when I returned to the prayer wagon, I would have plenty to reflect on while praying the Five Joyful Mysteries.

In the evening, Sister Mary Claire and I prayed together in the Inner Court wagon. We included Shaggy Coat, Mini, and my brown hen Omelette in our prayer:

Heavenly Father,

We thank You for the blessings of this day and the unexpected wonders You lead us to discover. We are grateful for the peaceful walk to Holy Mass this morning and the wisdom shared by Fr. Leroy.

We pray for Your guidance as we strive to live a life free from sin, even the smallest ones, which distance us from You. Bless our family, friends, and community, and help us share Your love and peace with everyone we meet.

We lift up our beloved animals—Shaggy Coat, who led us to a hidden sanctuary, Mini, who brings joy to our days, and Omelette, who faithfully provides for us. May Your grace protect them and keep them safe.

Guide us with Your light, especially as we look forward to exploring the cave further tomorrow. Let it be a place where we feel Your presence and peace.

In Your holy name, we pray.


Goodnight, dear diary.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


June 27, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was such a lovely day. Sister Mary Claire and I attended early morning Mass with Father LeRoy. It was a cool, foggy morning, and the walk to St. Mary's was so refreshing. The mist hung low over the fields, making everything look soft and dreamlike. The dewdrops on the grass sparkled in the early light, and the air was filled with the scent of wet earth and blooming flowers. As we walked, our breaths made little clouds in the cool air, and the quiet of the morning was only broken by the occasional chirping of birds waking up to greet the day.

Father LeRoy's message from yesterday still had my mind wandering back to the farm and all of my animals. I've made a new friend from the wild side that I've named Shaggy Coat. Though I say that he is from the wild side, Shaggy Coat is quite tame and loves to eat the carrots and other vegetables from my hand. I named him Shaggy Coat because I once read a biography of a beaver with the same name, and it seemed to suit my little gentleman perfectly. In fact, I still have the Shaggy Coat book, and it's one of my most precious possessions outside of my books of faith. I've added it as #9 in the Little Library so others can read the Shaggy Coat story as well.

After another great lunch in the big house made by Tom and Judy, I ran down to the creek and pond. Shaggy Coat was quick to spot me and waddled up on shore. Mini, Omelette, and I spent the afternoon together, enjoying the peacefulness of the farm and the company of our little beaver friend.

In the evening, I retreated into the Inner Court prayer wagon with my sister Mary Claire. I asked her if we could cut a hole and put in a doggie door for Shaggy Coat, but she, of course, didn't think that was a very good idea. 

Before going to bed, we wrote a prayer together:

"Dear Lord, we thank You for the beauty of this day and the cool misty morning that began it. We are grateful for all Your creatures, especially our new friend Shaggy Coat. Thank You for the joy and companionship they bring into our lives. Please bless our family, friends, and all those in need of Your grace. Guide us through the night and keep us safe. Thank You for Sister Mary Claire's good common sense and for always looking out for us. Amen."

Till next time, dear diary.


God's Love for Creatures

June 26, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today began with early morning Mass with Sister Mary Claire. Father LeRoy’s homily was about God’s love for all His creatures. He said, "On every single creature, then, God dwells with pleasure and love. He also reminded us that God's love is even greater for humans, especially those who serve Him with all their ability.

Father LeRoy's words made me think deeply about Mini, my Corgi, and Omelette, my brown hen. It’s comforting to know that God’s love extends to them as well, and it filled my heart with gratitude for His blessings on all His creations.

In the afternoon, Sister Mary Claire and I worked in the garden. The weather was perfect, and the garden is looking more vibrant. We enjoyed the peaceful moments, talking and sharing our thoughts while tending to the plants.

In the evening, we spent time in the prayer wagon. Together, Sister Mary Claire and I composed this prayer:

"Dear Jesus, thank You for the love and blessings You bestow on all Your creatures. Help us to love You above all and to extend our love to all Your creations, just as You love them. Guide us in our daily lives to serve You with all our ability and to spread Your love to everyone we meet. Amen."

Hugs for my sister.

Goodnight, dear diary.


Monday, June 24, 2024

The Liberty of God

June 24, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Sister Mary Claire and I went to 6 o'clock Mass at St. Mary's. The short, beautiful walk was refreshing in the cool morning air. Father LeRoy's homily was inspiring, and what stuck with me most were his words: "Keep yourself free from sin. This is the truest liberty. Here, in the greatest exercise of human strength and determination, this gives you the true Liberty of God."

I kept myself busy with the Little Lending Library today and now have eight books on the shelf, including Sister's original copy of Catholic Crusoe. I'm going to keep transcribing it, but I wanted to put the original copy in the Free Lending Library so everyone can read it now.

In the evening, we were invited over to the big house by Tom and Judy. Judy sautéed summer squash with bell peppers, onions, and ground organic turkey in butter. It was delicious. We had a lovely visit with Tom and Judy before heading back to the Inner Court prayer wagon. Together, my sweet sister Mary Claire and I wrote an evening prayer:

"Dear Jesus, thank You for the blessings of this day. Help us to remain free from sin and to find true liberty in Your love. Bless our family, friends, and all those in need. Guide us with Your grace and keep us close to Your heart. Amen."

Hugs for my sister.

Goodnight, dear diary.


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Holy Communion

Dear Diary,

Today was a truly special day, one I will never forget. This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I prepared for Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church. We woke up early, and I could feel the excitement and solemnity in the air. Before we left, we said our Morning Prayers together, asking for guidance and grace.

When we arrived at church, it was a beautiful sight. The sun shone through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the wooden pews. The familiar scent of incense filled the air, adding to the sacred atmosphere.

As Mass began, I felt a deep sense of peace and reverence. Father LeRoy's homily was inspiring, reminding us of the beauty of the Eucharist and the immense love of Jesus. But the most powerful moment was yet to come.

When it was time for Holy Communion, I joined the line and slowly made my way to the front. Kneeling at the communion rail, I closed my eyes and waited. Sister Mary Claire was on the other side, holding the chalice with the consecrated hosts. She looked so serene and beautiful in her black and white habit, a true reflection of God's grace.

As she placed the Holy Communion on my tongue, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and connection. My eyes watered, and a tear rolled down my cheek. In that moment, it was as if all my worries and fears melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and divine presence. It was a sacred and intimate moment with Jesus and two sisters.

After Mass, we stayed for a while in silent prayer. I felt a deep gratitude for the gift of the Eucharist and for having my sister Mary Claire by my side. Her gentle touch and loving presence made the experience even more special. I know that receiving Holy Communion from her today has brought me closer to Jesus and strengthened my faith.

As we walked back home, the world seemed brighter and more beautiful. The bond between us felt even stronger, and I was filled with joy and gratitude for this unforgettable day.

 night, dear diary.


Friday, June 21, 2024

My Brown Hen

June 21, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today began with an early morning walk down the gravel road to St. Mary's Catholic Church. The air was crisp and cool, and the fields were a vibrant green from all the rain we've been having. Sister Mary Claire and I talked about the flowers and the birds singing in the morning light.

At Holy Mass Father LeRoy gave a wonderful homily about Conformity to God's Will. He explained that the will of God is the law of our life, and our will is what drives us. He said that if our will aligns with God's will, our lives will be perfect and in harmony with God's plan. It made me feel uplifted and hopeful, knowing that by following God's will, we can live in His love and grace.

After Mass, Sister Mary Claire and I walked back home, enjoying the beautiful green fields and the fresh, clean air. Once home, I went to do my chicken chores. I checked on Omelette, my dear pet chicken, and found her in the nest. She had laid a big brown egg! I felt so happy and proud of her.

The evening came, and Sister Mary Claire and I found ourselves in the Inner Court prayer wagon saying our prayers. We made up a new evening prayer together:

"Dear Jesus, thank you for this beautiful day and all the blessings you have given us. Help us to always follow Your will and live in harmony with Your plan. Guide us in our actions and fill our hearts with Your love. Bless our family and friends, and watch over our home. Amen."

I love spending time with Sister Mary Claire and taking care of Mini and our little hen Omelette who is now such a dear part of our family. Mini and Omelette both bring so much joy to my life.

Good night to all. Good night, Dear Diary.

Love, Kathy

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Double Will of God

June 19, 1955

Dear Diary,

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I were up early as usual and attended the 6 o'clock Mass at St. Mary's just across the corn field. The June morning was perfect—clear blue skies, warm sunshine, and a gentle breeze that made the leaves whisper. The fields are full of life, with the corn growing tall and lush. Everything is so beautiful, and it feels like the whole world is singing praises to God.

Father LeRoy's homily was about the Double Will of God. What stuck with me the most was when he said, "Prayer places the whole force of God's omnipotence into our hands. It pierces the clouds, and according to God's repeated promises, its effects are infallible." That idea is so powerful, knowing that our prayers can reach the heavens and bring about God's will in our lives. It's comforting to believe that no matter what happens, our prayers are heard and answered in the best possible way.

In the afternoon, I was busy working with my Little Library. I now have three books in it. Anyone can come to the library and borrow a book, and it makes me happy to share stories and knowledge with others. It's a small way to spread joy and learning in our community.

In the evening, Sister Mary Claire and I spent time in the Inner Court wagon. Here's the evening prayer we wrote together:

Dear Lord, we thank You for this beautiful day and the blessings it brought. We ask for Your guidance and protection through the night. Help us to remember that our prayers are powerful and that You are always with us, listening and caring. Fill our hearts with Your peace and love, and let us rest in the comfort of Your presence. Amen.

Omelette, my pet chicken, was happily clucking around us as we ended the day. Mini and Omelette seem to get along just fine. Mini knows that Omelette is truly part of the family, a family member, and not just a hen in the pen. As I look back on today, I feel blessed and content, knowing that we are loved and cared for by God.

Goodnight, dear Diary.


Monday, June 17, 2024

The Will of God

June 18, 1955

Dear Diary,

Sister Mary Clare and I were up early this morning, greeted by the fresh scent of rain-soaked earth. It was a wet morning, indeed, as we had over 2 inches of rain. We decided to avoid walking through the corn to church and stuck to the gravel road. Even that felt a bit spongy underfoot.

Fr. LeRoy's homily today was deeply moving, focusing on the God. One line stayed with me: "Be not unwise, but understanding what is the will of God. As His servants, our first care should be to know His will and to do it. Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? Whatever it be, carry it out minutely and fearlessly." These words resonated with me, reminding me of the importance of seeking and following God's will in every aspect of my life.

After church, I couldn't wait to hurry home and change clothes. My new friend, Omelette, needed me. Yes, that's her name. She was the pick of the flock, or perhaps I was hers, because she jumped right up on my knee. At that moment, I knew it was the will of God bringing us together.

I spent the afternoon cleaning out the old chicken house, preparing a cozy new place for our twelve hens and my dear Omelette. Already, Omelette runs to me whenever I come through the door, and it fills my heart with joy.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for the refreshing rain that nourishes our land and for the blessing of this new day. I am grateful for Sister Mary Clare and her constant guidance and love. Thank You for the unused chicken house, which now provides a home for our hens and allows us to start our little egg business.

As I reflect on Fr. Leroy's homily, help me to always seek Your will and follow it fearlessly. Thank You for bringing Omelette into my life and for the joy she brings.

Bless our efforts as we prepare to sell our big brown eggs, and may our work be pleasing to You. Guide us in all that we do and keep us close to Your heart.



June 17, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today has been a day of unexpected blessings, ones that I will cherish forever. The picture that Sister Mary Claire took of me captures it perfectly. It all started with yesterday's anticipation when Sister hinted at a surprise waiting for me at a place she called the Brown Hen Pen. Little did I know what awaited us there—a whole new chapter for us with our very own chicken flock! Sister Mary Claire surprised me further by letting me choose my own hen, assuring me that she would be my lifelong friend, safe from harm or sale. I can't express how grateful I am for Sister's kindness and for God's goodness, which I see so clearly in her.

This morning, after our prayers at the old Altoona Hotel, Sister shared passages from her meditation book that spoke deeply to me. One particular line resonates in my heart: "Your life is worth nothing to yourself or others unless God be with you." These words are not just profound but hold the key to true happiness and fulfillment. They remind me to seek God's presence in every moment and decision, so that my life may be a reflection of His love and grace.

Later in the day, we returned to the farm earlier than expected, not just with six hens, but with twelve and a magnificent rooster. The sight of our growing flock fills my heart with joy and gratitude. Each hen and the rooster seem to embody a piece of God's creation, reminding me of His abundance and care.

As the day draws to a close, I offer this evening prayer: Dear God, thank You for the blessings of this day—both expected and unexpected. Thank You for Sister Mary Claire, who shows me Your love through her kindness and wisdom. Help me, Lord, to remember that my life gains true meaning and purpose only when lived in Your presence. Guide me to be wise in seeking You, so that I may know true happiness and share Your love with others. Amen.

Good night, dear diary. May God's love and protection surround us always.

With love and devotion, Kathy

Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16, 1955

The Sunday Sermon & Iowa Thunderstorm


Dear Diary,

Today was quite an adventure! Sister Mary Claire and I set off for Altoona, Iowa, where she promised a big surprise. She kept calling it the Brown Hen Pen, but I have no idea what that means. I'm so curious to find out!

The weather wasn't the best for traveling—it's been pouring rain, with thunder rumbling all around us. But the pickup truck is cozy, and we made the best of it by listening to Bishop Barron's Sunday homily on the radio.

Bishop Barron talked about how people of faith see things differently. They see everything that nonbelievers see, like history and the news, but they also see more—they see the world according to God's plans and purposes. This vision can make spiritual people seem a little crazy to others. He mentioned how all three readings this Sunday touch on this theme, reminding us to keep our faith and look at the world with God's eyes.

I'll tell you all about our adventure tomorrow once we find out what the big surprise is!

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for this day and for keeping us safe on our journey. Thank You for the cozy moments in the pickup truck and for the wisdom we heard in Bishop Barron's homily. Help us to always see the world through Your eyes, understanding Your plans and purposes even when they seem unclear.

Please watch over us tonight and grant us a peaceful sleep. Bless Sister Mary Claire and guide us in all our adventures. Keep us safe from the storm and help us wake up refreshed and ready to face a new day.


Goodnight, Diary. Can't wait to share more tomorrow!

With Love and Devotion,

Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15, 1955

Dear Diary,

Saturday, June 15th

This morning, Sister Mary Claire and I took a peaceful walk to St. Mary's Catholic Church. The air was fresh, and the early summer sun cast a warm glow on the fields. When we arrived, we found our favorite pew and listened intently as Father LeRoy delivered his homily. He spoke beautifully about the Truth of God and the vanity of human desires, reminding us that true happiness lies in seeking God's will above all else. His words resonated deeply with me, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose and devotion.

In the afternoon, I prayed  the Joyful Mysteries in the goose pen. I love spending time with my two favorite geese, Albert and Minnie. Minnie, not to be confused with Mini my Corgi puppy, has been Albert's partner for life. They are such a joy to watch, waddling around and honking softly as if having a conversation. Sometimes, they seem almost human-like in their behavior, showing affection and loyalty to each other in a way that warms my heart. Saying my rosary with them nearby felt so special, like I was surrounded by God's creatures who understand the beauty of prayer.

In closing today's diary entry, I will add this little prayer:

Dear Lord, Thank you for the blessings of this day, For the wisdom shared by Father LeRoy, And the peaceful moments spent with your creations. Help me to seek Your truth and shun worldly desires, To find joy in the simple and the sacred. May Your light guide my steps always, And Your love fill my heart with grace. Amen.

With love and gratitude,

Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today, Father LeRoy talked about how everything in creation is like a picture in God’s mind. He said that unlike our fleeting thoughts, God’s knowledge is eternal and unchanging. He knows everything from the beginning and forever. This made me realize that everything has always existed in God's view, and someday, when we see Him, we will understand it all just by looking at Him.

This idea really came to life during our visit to the neighbor's dairy barn to pick up fresh raw milk, which Sister Mary Claire insists is healthier for me. As we walked among the cows, each with its own unique traits, I saw them as part of the grand design that God always sees and loves. The peaceful cows and the quiet barn seemed to reflect back a part of God’s eternal knowledge, connecting me deeply to His creation.

Feeling a part of this divine reflection, known and loved forever by God, was incredibly comforting and uplifting.

Dear Lord, as this day closes, Sister Mary Claire and I thank You for the lessons from Father LeRoy and the beauty of Your creation we experienced today. Please help us to always appreciate the world around us as a gift from You. Guide us to live in a way that shows our love for Your creation, and help us to see Your work in everything around us. May our actions always bring out the goodness in life, and help us to see You in everything we do.

Reflecting on today, I am grateful for the spiritual and physical nourishment we received, and for the constant reminder of God’s loving gaze upon us.

With Love and devotion, Kathy 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

June 13th, 1955

Dear Diary,

The morning was enlightened with another profound lesson from Father LeRoy at St. Mary’s. During Holy Mass, he spoke about the "Science of God," which really made me ponder deeply. He described how God knows every detail about us, including our most hidden thoughts and the eventual paths we might walk in life. It was a reminder that every choice, just like every detail in creation, is seen and known by God, yet our destiny is shaped by our own free will.

This theme of choices and outcomes resonated with me throughout the day, especially in the afternoon when Sister Mary Claire and I discovered a bag of old recipe cards. They had been left by a neighbor who was moving and had decided to pass on some of her cherished memories. Each card, with its unique recipe and scribbles, seemed like a small decision made in a kitchen long ago. It made us think about how each choice we make, much like a recipe, combines to create the outcome of our lives.

With a thoughtful heart, Sister Mary Claire decided not to let these snippets of past meals and gatherings go to waste. She carefully packed them into a box and sent them to a friend. It was her way of spreading the joy and sharing the legacy of those recipes, much like spreading the good words and wisdom we receive.

Heavenly Father, as I end this day, I am thankful for the lessons learned and the memories shared. Help me to remember that just as we sort through old recipe cards, deciding what to keep and what to pass on, so too must we choose our actions and paths under Your watchful eyes. May my decisions always reflect Your glory and contribute to a life that, when looked back upon, shows a beautiful recipe well made. Amen.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

June 12, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was a splendid day filled with the spirit of the Lord and beautiful moments in nature. The morning started with a Mass at St. Mary's Church where Father LeRoy shared a truly inspiring homily. He spoke about the sacred name of Jesus Christ, the only name under heaven given to men whereby we must be saved. He encouraged us to remember and praise the different Names of God, appreciating the deep meanings each holds. His words reminded me to be forever grateful for knowing His name and having the privilege to call upon it. The hymn we sang echoed in my heart, "No voice can sing, no heart can frame, nor can the memory find a sweeter sound than Thy blest name, O Saviour of mankind."

After Mass, Sister and I drove to Des Moines, where we found a serene spot with bee hives buzzing with life. Sister was fascinated, and it sparked a desire in her to bring honey bees to our Living History Farm. Imagine the sweet buzz of bees filling our days!

In the evening, back at the Inner Court Wagon, Sister and I gathered in prayer. We reflected on the day's lessons and experiences, and inspired by Father LeRoy's words, together we penned this evening prayer:

Heavenly Father, Your name is a fortress, a sanctuary where our souls find peace. Today, as we pondered the power of Your names—Jesus, Emmanuel, Shepherd of Souls—we felt Your presence guiding and protecting us. Thank You for the beauty of nature we witnessed today, for the bees that dance from flower to flower, sustaining life. May our efforts to nurture them at our farm serve as a symbol of our dedication to care for the gifts You have bestowed upon us. Bless our plans and continue to guide us in Your wisdom. Let us always rejoice in Your name, the sweetest sound, our salvation. Amen.

What a blessed day, Diary. I'm looking forward to tomorrow's new blessings.

With love and prayers, Kathy

Sunday, June 9, 2024

June 9, 1955

Dear Diary,

Tonight was one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life. We held a special healing Mass at Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, and it felt like a glimpse of heaven right here on earth. A priest named Father Carlos appeared for this extraordinary occasion, but no one seemed to know where he came from. His presence made the event even more remarkable.

The church was packed with people, all eagerly awaiting the special ceremony. The atmosphere was electric, and as the Mass began, it felt as if the entire church was enveloped in a divine glow. The lights seemed to flash and dance, casting a heavenly aura around us. It was as if the very air was charged with spiritual energy, making every moment feel sacred.

After Holy Communion, the real magic began. Father Carlos, with such grace and compassion, started walking around the church, holding a beautiful golden monstrance. He gently placed his hand on the head of each person he passed, offering a blessing and healing. When Father Carlos reached me and placed his hand on my head, I felt a special warmth and peace flood through me. It was as if all my worries melted away, replaced by a sense of calm and hope that I had never felt before. It was like a gentle whisper from God, assuring me that everything would be alright.

The spirituality I felt from Father Carlos was so profound that I imagined he might be a flying monk like Padre Pio, miraculously transported here from Mexico City or some other holy place. By the end of the Mass, I was convinced he must be a miraculous visitor, sent to bring us divine healing.

After the Mass, we returned to the Inner Court. Sister Mary Claire and I spent the evening talking about the events of the night. We sat by the warm glow of the fire, sipping hot cocoa, and reflecting on the miraculous happenings. Sister Mary Claire shared her thoughts on the power of faith and the beauty of the healing we had witnessed.

Before we went to bed, we said a special evening prayer to thank God for the blessings of the day:

"Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before You tonight with hearts full of gratitude for the wondrous healing Mass we experienced. Thank You for the divine light that filled our church and for the blessings bestowed upon each of us through the touch of Your servant.
May Your love continue to guide and heal us, bringing peace to our souls and strength to our spirits.
As we rest tonight, we ask for Your protection and grace. Fill our dreams with Your presence and renew our hearts with Your eternal love.

With love and devotion,

Friday, June 7, 2024

June 8, 1955

Tom and Judy - Living History Farm, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was truly a day filled with blessings. Sister Mary Claire found an old novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in a box of childhood remembrances. This beautifully illustrated booklet is not just a piece of history but a beacon of faith that she is eager to share. Sister has also promised to take Mini and me into Des Moines to find a special picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help for our Inner Court wagon. I can't wait to see where we find the perfect one!

Tom and Judy were just as moved by the novena when I showed it to them. Tom, with all the skill of an architect, has begun creating copies and even designed a library card, ensuring that everyone can partake in the novena and admire its beautiful artwork. His dedication is a testament to the love and care that fills our little community.

God is indeed good, and in my heart, Sister is right up there with His grace. It’s days like today that remind me of the deep connections we share, woven through our faith and love for each other.

God's blessings, Kathy


Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 7, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today reminded us how vital God's peace is to our daily lives, not only for our spiritual health but also for our temporal well-being. Father LeRoy emphasized that even our everyday activities need the tempering touch of grace to reach their full potential. He encouraged us to act vigorously and with upright intentions but to entrust the outcomes to God, accepting them with contentment.

He also reminded us of the words of Our Lord: "My peace I give to you... Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid." It's a call to maintain our equanimity, undisturbed by wrongs endured or disappointments faced.

As I think about Father's words, Mini, ever so peaceful beside me, snores softly, a testament to the tranquility we're blessed to experience here. Tonight, as Sister and I said our prayers, we felt a deep sense of peace, trusting that all is as it should be under God's watchful eye.

"Lord, infuse our actions with Your grace and let Your peace reside in our hearts, guiding us to accept life's outcomes. Help us to embody the peace You bestowed upon us, untouched by the world's disturbances."

Another day closes, wrapped in the peace of God.

Goodnight, Diary. 
With a peaceful heart, Kathy

June 6, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was a truly enlightening day, one that filled my heart with a deeper understanding of the divine beauty of God. Father LeRoy's words at Mass, drawn from the Meditation Book, resonated deeply within me as he spoke about the eternal beauty that will delight us forever in heaven. This beauty, he explained, is not just around us but within us, especially when we are in a state of grace.

Mass was especially memorable today as Mini joined us, her impeccable behavior just as Father LeRoy promised, making our gathering even more joyous. As Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and I made our way home from St. Mary’s, the words of Father echoed around us. The lush green fields under the bright morning sun, the gentle breeze, and the cheerful chirping of the birds made our journey feel like a reflection of heavenly beauty.

Father LeRoy said, "The beauty of God will ravish us with delight for all eternity. This same beauty of God exists in your soul when you are in the state of grace; you are then more pleasing in the eyes of God than all the wonderful beauty of the material world." Inspired by these words, the countryside seemed to shine even brighter, a perfect mirror of the divine beauty we carry within us when we live in grace.

Possessing this beauty, we are called to "dispense with earthly pleasures, to live a life of mortification, and to look forward to the enjoyment of that 'Beauty which is ever ancient and ever new.'" Moved by this call, Sister Mary Claire and I continue to strive to cultivate this divine quality in our souls, that God may take delight in beholding us.

As the day drew to a close, with the sun setting in a blaze of colors across the sky, Sister Mary Claire and I retired to our beloved Inner Court Prayer Wagon. There, we recited this prayer together, reflecting on the beauty we are called to nurture within ourselves:

Heavenly Father, Creator of all that is beautiful, Instill in us the grace to see Your divine beauty in all creation. Help us to cultivate the beauty of our souls, So that we may be pleasing in Your eyes, free from earthly attachments. Guide us in our daily actions to live a life of mortification, Ever looking forward to the eternal delight of Your heavenly beauty. May our lives reflect Your everlasting glory, As we strive to be ever ancient and ever new in Your love. Amen.

Today was a reminder of the boundless beauty of God's creation and His presence in our lives, urging us to look beyond the temporal and embrace the eternal.

With a heart full of peace, Kathy

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 1955

Dear Diary,

This bright morning began with a special grace as Sister Mary Claire and I attended Morning Mass at St. Mary's. Father Leroy was there, his voice filled with vigor, as he shared insights from the Meditation book Sister gifted him. It's identical to the one she treasures, and now they can reflect together. Today was extraordinary because it marked the Feast Day of St. Boniface, an English Benedictine monk whose courage and commitment to unity were unparalleled. Father Leroy recounted how St. Boniface was martyred in 754 alongside 52 companions, their unity in faith unbroken even in the face of death.

Father LeRoy's words echoed a deep truth: "In any pursuit, we can only secure success by concentrating all our thoughts and energies upon it alone. In this respect, the children of light may well take a lesson from the children of this world. Seek God alone and always. Let one principle guide your life in all its diverse operations. Let nothing turn you from the path of consistency, from whole-hearted loyalty and affection towards God. Do not dissipate your energies on any other object; but let all the various duties of life look to God and be turned to His service." His message urged us to embody the spirit of St. Boniface, focusing all our energies and efforts towards living a life dedicated to God, finding in every action a pathway to serve Him.

As dusk fell, Sister Mary Claire and I retreated to our beloved Prayer Wagon. Amid the quiet whispers of evening, we shared a prayer, our voices mingling softly, seeking to embody the unity and devotion of St. Boniface. Through our simple yet profound act of prayer, we felt the comforting embrace of divine unity, reinforcing our resolve to walk consistently and faithfully in the light of God's love.

Truly, today has been a day of reflection and spiritual enrichment, reminding us of the power of unity and the importance of a singular focus on the divine in all aspects of life.

With a heart full of peace, Kathy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

June 4, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was another day steeped in spiritual learning and playful joy. Father LeRoy's homily touched deeply on the Eternity of God, reminding us that although we are immortal, our existence will never mirror the absolute, independent, and perfect nature of God's eternity. Yet, we are blessed with the promise of participating in His glorious and incomprehensible life. It's a thought that fills my heart with gratitude and longing for that happy day.

This afternoon, Sister Mary Claire, Mini, and I had a delightful romp outside. Mini, ever the spirited companion, chased her ball with an enthusiasm that only she can muster. It's amusing how she looks to us as the magicians behind the ball’s lively dance across the grass.

As the day draws to a close, we gathered for our evening prayer:

Dear Lord,

As the sun sets and this day closes, we pause to reflect on Your eternal grace and the promise of our participation in Your divine life. Thank you for the lessons learned and the simple joys shared, especially our playful moments with Mini.

We ask for the peace of Your presence to rest upon us tonight. Guide us in our dreams and protect us until the light of morning graces our windows. May our spirits always be attuned to Your eternal love, and may our hearts be filled with anticipation for the heavenly glory that awaits us.

Bless our sleep with tranquility, and renew our souls for another day to love and serve You better.


Reflecting on the beauty of God's eternal promise and the simple joys of our day, let us always be thankful for the divine joy and the earthly pleasures we experience each day.

With love and prayers, Kathy

Monday, June 3, 2024

June 3, 1955

June 3, 1955

Dear Diary,

Today was a beautiful day! I went to morning Mass with Father LeRoy. He always has such wonderful things to say in his homilies. Today, he talked about how amazing and majestic God is. He said that God is like a strong mountain, never changing, never moving. No matter what happens, God stays the same forever. Isn't that incredible?

Father LeRoy told us to remember that God will never change His feelings toward us. He will never leave us, never let us down, never get tired of us, and never forget us. We can always trust in Him. Father LeRoy said we should feel strong and safe because of this. When we trust God, we can be strong in our faith and do good things because we share a little bit in God's never-changing nature.

I really liked what Father LeRoy said. It made me feel so happy and safe knowing that God is always there for me, no matter what. I will try to remember this and trust in God more every day.

In the evening, Tom and Judy made popcorn and invited us over to watch a Jimmy Stewart movie called "Anatomy of a Murder." It was a bit scary but really good. The movie made me think about what Father LeRoy said this morning. Even when things are a bit scary or uncertain, God is always there, unchanging and steady like a rock. This thought made me feel better as I watched the movie.

Afterward, Sister and I said our evening prayers in the prayer wagon before going to sleep. Here is the prayer we said together:

Dear Jesus,

Thank You for being with us today and always. Thank You for never changing and for always loving us. Help us to trust in You and feel safe knowing that You are always there. Please bless Tom and Judy for their kindness, and thank You for the fun evening we had together. Keep us safe through the night and help us to wake up ready to love and serve You again tomorrow.


Love, Kathy

Sunday, June 2, 2024

June 2, 1955

Dear Diary,

I'm so sorry for missing a few days. Sister Mary Claire and I went to Lake Okoboji about 200 miles north, specifically to the Manhattan Beach Cabins, where our parents always took us when we were little (well, I guess I am still kinda little.)  It was so wonderful to revisit those memories and spend time at such a special place.

This morning, Father LeRoy's homily was excellent. He talked about how big God is and how He is everywhere—in all created space, above all things, under all things, within all things, and outside all things. It was so inspiring to think about how God is Everywhere and in Everything.

At Manhattan Beach, the oak trees are so large! Not like God but they reminded me of the giant windmills in "Gulliver's Travels." We stopped at a nursery and brought three baby ones back with us. We'll plant them in the Inner Court wagon's little yard, but I'll write more about that later.

Tonight, Sister Mary Clare and I said a special evening prayer together:

"Dear Jesus, thank You for this beautiful day and for all the blessings You give us. Help us to always feel Your presence in everything we do. Guide us to be kind, patient, and loving, just as You taught us. Protect us through the night and give us strength for tomorrow. Amen."

That's about all for now, Diary. Good night!

Love, Kathy

P.S.  Our cabin was the first one on the left. 

See You Next Time!


Stepping into Trust

March 8, 1956 Dear Diary, This evening, as I turned the pages of my big picture book, my eyes rested on an old oil painting, its colors soft...