Dear Diary,
Today was a remarkable day as I once again visited the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines. The experience was profound, and I feel compelled to write about it.
In the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, I felt as though I stood before the fountain of everything good―Jesus Himself. It was as if He were saying to me, "Let him who is thirsty come to me." From this fountain, the Saints have always drawn wonderful waters, God's great favors. Here, Jesus gives us all the merits of His Passion, just as the Prophet foretold: "You will draw waters from the fountains of the Saviour" (Isaiah 12).
I recalled the Countess of Feria, a devout follower of the Venerable Father Avila and a nun of the Society of Poor Clares, who was called "The spouse of the Most Holy Sacrament." She would spend hours before it, and when asked what she did during that time, she replied, "For all eternity I could remain there. Is not the very Essence of God there?―the nourishment of the Blessed." God is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, and in His presence, we love, praise, thank, and ask. Just as a poor man approaches a rich one, a sick man his physician, a thirsty man a limpid spring, and a hungry man a table with an abundance of food.
My heart overflowed with love for Jesus, my Life, my Hope, my Treasure. I reflected on the price He paid to remain with us in this Sacrament. To stay on our altars, He had to die, and He continues to endure wrongs in this very Sacrament to help us with His own Presence. It is His love and longing to be loved by us that conquered everything.
Today, as I reflected on the Blessed Sacrament, another fountain of great happiness came to mind―our Mother Mary. She is a well-spring of very great happiness for us, rich in good things and graces. St. Bernard said that there is not a person in the world who does not draw some good thing from her, "Of its fulness we have all received." Mary Most Holy was filled with grace by God, as the angel saluted her, "Hail, full of grace." St. Peter Chrysologus added that it was not only for herself but also for us that her soul was like a deep abyss filled with grace; from its depths, she should draw gifts for everyone devoted to her. "It was to pour out salvation through all the ages that the Blessed Virgin received this store of grace."
I find great comfort and joy in knowing that Mary, our Mother, is always there for us, interceding on our behalf and pouring out graces upon us. She is truly the fountain of all our joy. I prayed to her, "Fountain of all our joy, pray for us."
Today's reflection on both the Blessed Sacrament and our Mother Mary has deepened my faith and filled my heart with gratitude. As I drove back to the farm with Sister Mary Clare, I noticed how spring was in the air. The winter has lost its grip, and signs of new life are everywhere. The grass is beginning to tint green, and the trees are showing signs of budding. It felt like nature itself was undergoing a rebirth, mirroring the spiritual renewal I experienced today. I pray that I may always seek solace and grace from these fountains of divine love.
With love, Kathy
Today was a remarkable day as I once again visited the Blessed Sacrament at St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines. The experience was profound, and I feel compelled to write about it.
In the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, I felt as though I stood before the fountain of everything good―Jesus Himself. It was as if He were saying to me, "Let him who is thirsty come to me." From this fountain, the Saints have always drawn wonderful waters, God's great favors. Here, Jesus gives us all the merits of His Passion, just as the Prophet foretold: "You will draw waters from the fountains of the Saviour" (Isaiah 12).
I recalled the Countess of Feria, a devout follower of the Venerable Father Avila and a nun of the Society of Poor Clares, who was called "The spouse of the Most Holy Sacrament." She would spend hours before it, and when asked what she did during that time, she replied, "For all eternity I could remain there. Is not the very Essence of God there?―the nourishment of the Blessed." God is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, and in His presence, we love, praise, thank, and ask. Just as a poor man approaches a rich one, a sick man his physician, a thirsty man a limpid spring, and a hungry man a table with an abundance of food.
My heart overflowed with love for Jesus, my Life, my Hope, my Treasure. I reflected on the price He paid to remain with us in this Sacrament. To stay on our altars, He had to die, and He continues to endure wrongs in this very Sacrament to help us with His own Presence. It is His love and longing to be loved by us that conquered everything.
Today, as I reflected on the Blessed Sacrament, another fountain of great happiness came to mind―our Mother Mary. She is a well-spring of very great happiness for us, rich in good things and graces. St. Bernard said that there is not a person in the world who does not draw some good thing from her, "Of its fulness we have all received." Mary Most Holy was filled with grace by God, as the angel saluted her, "Hail, full of grace." St. Peter Chrysologus added that it was not only for herself but also for us that her soul was like a deep abyss filled with grace; from its depths, she should draw gifts for everyone devoted to her. "It was to pour out salvation through all the ages that the Blessed Virgin received this store of grace."
I find great comfort and joy in knowing that Mary, our Mother, is always there for us, interceding on our behalf and pouring out graces upon us. She is truly the fountain of all our joy. I prayed to her, "Fountain of all our joy, pray for us."
Today's reflection on both the Blessed Sacrament and our Mother Mary has deepened my faith and filled my heart with gratitude. As I drove back to the farm with Sister Mary Clare, I noticed how spring was in the air. The winter has lost its grip, and signs of new life are everywhere. The grass is beginning to tint green, and the trees are showing signs of budding. It felt like nature itself was undergoing a rebirth, mirroring the spiritual renewal I experienced today. I pray that I may always seek solace and grace from these fountains of divine love.
With love, Kathy

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