Sunday, March 31, 2024

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

Easter morning greeted us with a gentle drizzle, a soft whisper from heaven, it seemed. Sister Mary Claire and I, armed with our umbrellas to shield my cherished new Easter bonnet, made our way to the grand St. Ambrose Cathedral. The bonnet, a tender gift from Sister Mary Claire, framed the day with the same love it was given.

Inside the cathedral, the celebration of the risen Christ unfurled in a pageant of faith and joy. The service was a tapestry of hymns and prayers, each thread a note of hope, culminating in the heartfelt plea, "Sweet heart of my Jesus, make me love Thee ever more and more."

The afternoon brought its own blessings. Judy and Tom hosted us for an Easter dinner that was a harvest of love: sliced ham tender as mercy, creamed asparagus fresh from Tom's garden, picked just before the skies wept with rain.

As the evening drew near, we retreated to our inner court prayer wagon. The rhythm of the rain on the roof was the earth's own lullaby, accompanying tales from our prayer book, each story a shared journey of the spirit.

As I write to you now, Diary, the day closes softly around us, enfolding us in the comfort of divine care. "Gladly my life I resign into those hands of thine. Guide thou this heart of mine through all to thee."

With a heart full of today's grace and eyes looking forward to tomorrow's light, I bid you goodnight, dear friend.

With love and faith, Kathy


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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

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