Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Dear Diary

Tuesday of Holy Week

Dear Diary

Today, as the shadows of Holy Week lengthen and the narrative of Christ's passion becomes ever more present in my mind, I find myself reflecting deeply on the sufferings of Jesus. In the stillness of the morning, I read of His silent fortitude in the face of mockery and scorn and His profound humility in enduring such pains for us.

With the image of the cross etched into my thoughts, I ponder how my own trials pale in comparison to His immense sacrifice. It humbles me and calls me to a greater patience and forgiveness towards others. Jesus, in His mercy, accepted the bitterness of contempt, offering instead the sweetness of His love—a lesson I carried with me throughout the day.

As I write these words, I pray that the sentiments of Jesus' Sacred Heart may pass into mine, giving me a truly humble and contrite spirit. May I, too, find the grace to be silently strong and lovingly excuse the faults of others, just as He did.

The resolution I set for myself today, inspired by Christ's example, is to remain humbly silent under reprimands and to honor Jesus, who was mocked on the cross. My spiritual bouquet is a prayer echoing Christ's own words: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

With these thoughts, I close today’s entry, carrying the weight of these reflections and the hope they inspire.

In prayerful contemplation, 

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