Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Honor Her

Dear Diary,

Today was strange but wonderful. After Sister Mary Claire and I got back from town, something caught my eye near the fence where Tom's sign is. I could've sworn I saw a statue of Mary there, all quiet and still in the snow. But it was so real, like she was actually standing there watching over us.

I blinked, and when I looked back, it was gone. Just like that! I tugged on Sister Mary Claire’s sleeve and told her what I saw. She just smiled and took my hand, saying sometimes Heaven sends us little hellos, like a picture that only shows up when we need it.

Sister thought maybe Mary herself wanted to say hello and that the image was a gift, like a secret wink from above. She said that Mary is always with us, even if we can't see her, and sometimes we get a special peek to remind us she’s looking out for us.

I’m not sure what happened, but it felt nice, like Mary was really close by, saying hi. Sister Mary Claire seemed to think it was a sign that we're never alone. That's a super nice thought to fall asleep to.

Sweet dreams, Diary!


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"Behold,We Go Up to Jerusalem"

February 26, 1956 Dear Diary, Sister Mary Claire and I walked home from Church, the crisp winter air wrapping around us as the gravel crunch...