Dear Diary,
This morning, Robert picked up Sister and me early so we could get to church ahead of time. We’ve made it a habit now—arriving early to either say the Rosary or read the meditation together. Today, we read about loving God above everything else. It said that even with all the knowledge in the world, a person could still be unhappy, but someone who loves God will always have joy. That’s because God’s love is enough—nothing else compares to it.
I liked how it talked about how people look for comfort in others, but only God truly consoles us. It made me think of Saint Ignatius and his words: “Give me your love, my God, and this is enough for me.” I whispered that prayer to myself before Mass began.
Even though it was only 5 degrees outside, quite a few folks still made the effort to come. Sunday people—those who truly love the Lord—seem to understand that nothing should keep them away from Him. A few even carried in armloads of firewood for the church, adding to Father’s supply to help keep it warm. It was nice to see how everyone did their little part to take care of our church.
Mini came with us today! She was so good and curled up quietly at my feet, only lifting her head now and then to peek around. I think she knows this is a special place.
As we were leaving, we saw Tom Collins unloading a big supply of firewood from his pickup next to Father’s rectory. I knew he had spent the whole morning loading it, and now Tommy Dennison was giving him a hand unloading it. The two of them worked steadily, their breath rising in little puffs in the cold air, stacking the wood neatly. Father will be set for quite a while now! I was sure that must have made his day.
The day passed peacefully, and in the afternoon, I thought again about the meditation. It said we should ask God to take everything away from us except His love. If we have that, we have everything. I sat by the fire with Mini curled beside me, thinking about what that means. Jesus, if I lose everything else, let me never lose Your love. That is what I prayed in my heart.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your love, which is greater than anything in this world. Let me never love anything more than I love You. Like Saint Ignatius, I ask: Give me Your love, my God, and this is enough for me.
Bless Sister, Robert, Father LeRoy, and all who made the effort to come to Mass today. Bless those who carried in firewood for the church, and bless Tom Collins for all his hard work loading wood this morning and Tommy Dennison for helping him unload it. I’m sure that made Father’s day.
And dear Lord, thank You for letting Mini be with me today. Even though she doesn’t understand, I think she knows You are near.
All for Jesus!
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