Dear Diary,
This morning, the temperature was three above zero, and once again, Robert stopped by and picked us up at the end of the driveway. The road had three inches of new snow, but Robert had put chains on his pickup, and we made it to church without any trouble.
When we arrived, the church was dark and cold. Father must have overslept, but Robert started a fire, and soon we were all warm. We sat in the front pew next to the stove and began reading today’s meditation.
“Behold the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sins of the world” (John 1:29). Sister and Robert helped me reflect on its meaning. Jesus, our High Priest, prayed for us during His time on earth, offering Himself completely to the heavenly Father. And even now, He continues His prayer, offering Himself on the altar at every Mass. Just as Moses interceded for the people, Jesus pleads for us before the Father. It is a comforting thought to know that Christ’s prayer never ends.
Father arrived about ten minutes late, rubbing his eyes and apologizing. “I overslept,” he admitted with a sheepish smile, “but I’m grateful to Robert for getting the church warm!” His homily echoed the meditation we had just read, reminding us that Jesus’ sacrifice was not only made once on the cross but continues through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. His prayer of intercession is constant, and through it, we are drawn into His mercy.
When we got home, I left my coat on and took Mini outside to gather eggs. There were no broken eggs today.
Sister had soaked peas overnight and took out two slices of bacon from the pound she had bought in town, dicing them up and adding them to the pot. The soup simmered on the stove all morning, filling the kitchen with a wonderful, rich scent. When it was ready, we ladled it into bowls and ate it with slices of her wonderful Wonder Bread and butter. It was just the thing to warm us up after such a chilly morning.
Here’s the recipe for Sister’s Pea Soup with Bacon:
• 1 cup dried peas, soaked overnight
• 4 cups water or broth
• 2 slices bacon, diced
• 1 small onion, chopped
• 1 bay leaf
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Bread and butter for serving
1. In a pot, brown the diced bacon over medium heat. Add the chopped onion and cook until soft.
2. Pour in the water or broth and add the soaked peas.
3. Drop in the bay leaf, season with salt and pepper, and let everything simmer for about an hour until the peas are soft.
4. Serve hot with slices of fresh bread and butter.
As I end this day, I offer my evening prayer:
O my Savior and my God, in Thy most tender love, Thou art unceasingly present in the Sacred Mystery of the Altar, offering Thyself to the Father for us. Let my heart, in union with Thine, be transformed in love and sacrifice, that I may offer all I do to Thee. Behold the Lamb of God, Who taketh away the sins of the world—have mercy on us. Amen.
Good night, dear diary.
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