February 28, 1956
Dear Diary,
The Gratitude of Jesus
Today, I stayed home from church since I wasn’t feeling well. Sister Mary Claire thought it best that I take it easy, so she gave me orders that the most I could do was look at my books and work on my scrapbook. She took care of all the chicken chores, and Mini stayed right by my side all day, never leaving me. She always seems to know when I need her the most.
Since I couldn’t go to Mass, Sister read to me from the meditation book and explained it so I wouldn’t miss out. It was about the gratitude of Jesus—how He remembers and rewards even the smallest acts of love done for Him. The story of Mary anointing Him with precious ointment stood out to me. Jesus defended her when Judas scolded her, showing that He treasures everything given to Him out of love. Sister said that nothing we do for Jesus goes unnoticed, no matter how small. I liked that thought very much. It makes me want to love Him more, not just in big ways but in everyday things—like offering up little sufferings, or even just doing my chores with a happy heart.
Sister also pointed out how gentle and patient Jesus was, even with Judas. It made me think how easy it is to be frustrated with others when they hurt us, but Jesus, who knew what Judas would do, still spoke to him kindly. I want to learn that kind of patience, even when things don’t go my way.
Now, the day is ending, and Sister has tucked me in with a warm cup of broth. Mini is curled up beside me, and all is quiet.
Dear Jesus, thank You for this quiet day of rest and for Sister’s kindness in taking care of me. Thank You for Mini, who stayed close and comforted me. Help me to always remember that You see and treasure every little act of love, even when no one else notices. Teach me to be patient like You and to love You in all the small things. Amen.
Goodnight, dear Diary. Love Kathy