Monday, January 13, 2025

The Prophecy of Simeon and the Church Mouse

January 13, 1956

Dear Diary,

Today was a special Monday, quiet and cold, with frost glittering on the church windows as Sister Mary Claire and I stayed behind after Holy Mass. We sat in the pew closest to the stove, where its warmth curled out like a hug. Sister said it was the perfect spot for a meditation, and I think she was right. Everything felt still and holy.

Sister explained the prophecy of Simeon to me, and I tried my best to understand. She said how Simeon held the little Baby Jesus in his arms and called Him the "Light of Nations" and the "Glory of Israel." It must have been such a joyful moment, but then he spoke about how Jesus would be "a sign to be contradicted"—how He would cause the rise and fall of many in Israel. Sister said Simeon was telling Mary and Joseph something very hard: that Jesus would be the Savior but also a stumbling block for those who would refuse Him.

Sister Mary Claire told me to imagine the love and longing of Christ's Heart, so ready to save everyone, but how some people would resist and reject Him, even though He was offering them everything. She said it’s like a gift—someone has to open it to see how wonderful it is. But not everyone wants the gift. I thought about that for a long time.

Just as I was deep in thought, Mini perked up, her little ears twitching. At first, I thought she was dreaming, but then a tiny country mouse scurried past, making a beeline for Father LeRoy's stack of firewood! Mini was so surprised that she wiggled out from under the pew. What happened next was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen. Mini crept up to the woodpile where the little mouse was hiding, and, with her nose almost touching his, they had a tender and curious moment together. The mouse peeked out, his little whiskers twitching, and Mini just sat there, as if they were having a silent conversation.

That little mouse got me thinking, too. Maybe it didn’t know it was in a church—a holy place. But it came to the warmth and safety anyway, just like we do when we come to Jesus. I wonder if the mouse felt the peace here. Sister smiled and said, “God cares even for the smallest of His creatures, Kathy, even for field mice.”

We sat a little longer by the stove, and I thought about Jesus being a gift, like Sister said, and about how I never want to be the kind of person who resists Him.

Dearest Jesus, thank You for today’s meditation. Please help me to always love You and never reject Your gifts, no matter how small they seem. Help me to share Your warmth with others, like the stove in the church warmed me today. And if You are watching over the little field mouse, keep him safe, too. Amen.


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